The recipe is Kisa, and I only change that I've done is add more of chicken for not much bread spread! It is delicious. If you wish not to leave the sauce with a flavor so strong, we must reduce the amount of soy and onion soup .
INGREDIENTS: (4 people)
800 gr. of wings
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons ketchup
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons soy (perhaps only 1 tablespoon)
3 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 envelope onion soup (best ¾ on)
1 cup Coca-Cola meter
1 dried cayenne pepper
Pinch of white pepper
oil in the tray menu and select manual 180 º 10 minutes. When the oil is hot add wings and both sides lasdoramos
As we prepare the sauce in a bowl add, elsobre onion soup, ketchup, honey, soy, tomato sauce, lacoca-cola, salt, pepper and white pepper and water, all this loremovemos well and leave aside for later use.
esténdoradas wings When all that we add the reserved sauce and stir everything cancelamosel menu if we had some time and close the válvulacerrada fussioncook with manual menu and select menu 10 minutes or potatoes. When depressurized termineel time manually.
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