had made a full meal in Thermomix, but it was always the first and second, as the and herb chicken with salad or jacket lean with tomato and potato salad.
I thought that since I really wanted to make steamed apple tatin I saw Cannon could think of a combo with definitely do the whole meal.
PD: Carme, t'agrada això? ja és molt veus that sa tot. You thought, existeix any machines capable of fer three plats alhora?

Within an hour, hour and ten minutes, at most, have the food on the table. I say how I did it:
1 - Peel the apples, cut and spread on the custard cups
2 - Making the breast roll
3 - Make the first mixture of statins while we are cleaning vegetables
4 - Make the second mixture the statins while just to clean and chop vegetables.
All this in a half hour or forty minutes.
INGREDIENTS (4 servings)
2 medium zucchini or one large (500 g)
1 onion
30 grams of oil.
350 gr. water
100 gr. semi-skimmed milk
salt, broth or 1 pill deverduras
We put in the glass of the Thermomixlas vegetables, cut into slices or pieces not too fat. Hacefalta not peel zucchini.
Add the oil, 350 grams of water, pepper and salt or broth 1/2pastilla.
We schedule 30 minutes temperatura100 ° and speed 1.
When the machine stops, trituramosdurante 40 seconds, a progressive speed 5-10.
Add the milk and check point salt. Crush 5 seconds at speed 3.
NOTE: Serve with chopped parsley, diced jamónserrano, chopped egg and croutons.
NOTE: In this case, the onion was too small and added half leek
natural 150 g thinly sliced \u200b\u200bbacon
500 gr sliced \u200b\u200bbreast
salt and pepper
120 g ham
120 g sliced \u200b\u200bcheese
Place 2 strips of film (paraconseguir greater area) and on them place bacon strips, and placing the chicken BYLAYER go, the ham and cheese. Precauciónde be left on the opposite side to us about 6-10 cm of bacon without putting only offer. This is to seal the roll.
bientodas Make a roll wrapping and tightening the layers to form a consistent roll, close withthe roll film and press it well. Cover this with another rolled wide film to achieve proper sealing.
unpalillo Make some holes in the film and place in container varoma.
NOTE: If nohacemos any combo, we can make the sauce for this roll depechuga unexpected
50 gr olive oil
1 large onion Encuartes
3 cloves garlic
oregano, cumin and pepper ALGUSTO
50 gr
vinegar 100 g water
50 g mustard
ketchup 300 gr
30 grams of sugar
1 can of coca-cola (can not serlight has to be normal)
Place all ingredients in Elvas, blend 30 seconds vel 9.
Place the lid on yprogramar varoma 45 min, temperature varoma, vel 1.
Apple tatin
INGREDIENTS (5 or 6 forms)
Liquid Candy (for molds)
1 yellow apple
40g sugar 50g
butter ½ teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs 60g sugar ½ teaspoon sugar
vainallado Pastry flour 80g
We a fund caramelolíquido (purchase) at the base of the aluminum flaneritas. Ycortamos Peel the apple into thin slices and place bottom of pan overlapping cubriendoel. (I put three or four slices in each pan)
Put the sugar, cinnamon mantequillay in the glass. We schedule 2 minutes 100 º, vel 1. We deal estamezcla over apples.
Without washing the glass, put lamariposa, eggs, sugar and vainallado normal. Programs 2 minutes, 37 º Speed \u200b\u200b3 1 / 2. At the end of 2 minutes to reprogram mismavelocidad, do not click in the temperature. Add the flour and mix unos10 seconds, speed 2. We removed the butterfly and pour the batter into losmoldes.
We place the molds in varoma container and tray. We cover and set aside.
We place the molds in varoma container and tray. We cover and set aside.
NOTE: I I took a tiny apple and remaining ingredients divided them in half, so he could enter the breast roll and custard cups in varoma.
NOTE: We can prepare the statins, with 600 gr. water in the glass, instead of cream, with the same time.
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