This recipe, if I remember correctly, is the special Christmas Thermomix. We liked it, we think it is a recipe to repeat many times. Nor is it a matter of eating every other day, because these flavors crave from time to time, but the taste is delicious.
Ingredients (4 people)
Tiempoaproximado: 40 minutes
To marinate the chicken and reserve:
4contramuslos of boneless, skinless chicken cut into chunks 100g
sectioned decebolla
1/2cucharadita of cumin
1/2cucharadita coriander (coriander seeds)
pulp 1 teaspoon pepper chorizo
1 cayenne 1
garlic 30 g extra virgin olive deaceite
Cook couscous:
70gr 30g extra virgin olive deaceite
dedátiles 100gr chopped 240gr
salt 200g baked decuscús
Cook the chicken marinade:
Pollomarinado reserved
garnish (optional):
Almendrasnormales and parsley
prepare the marinated chicken and
unbol Put the boneless, skinless chicken into chunks and add 100g decebolla cut into wedges.
Put marinade in Elvas, cumin, coriander, chorizo \u200b\u200bpepper pulp, cayenne, elajo, 30 g of olive oil and salt. Blend 30 seconds on speed 7.Vierte the mixture over the chicken and onions and set aside.
We couscous with dates
Without lavarel glass, add 70g of onion and 30 oil and chop velocidad4 4 seconds.
losdátiles Add sliced \u200b\u200boff the bone and interior and program 5 minutes, 100 º, speed 1.
Add water, salt and couscous, and program 4 minutes Varoma, speed 1. For a source and aerated with couscous hands to form balls policies, is to "let go" or with the help of two forks, not burn. Book
prepare the chicken to finish
Without lavarel glass, pour the reserved marinade chicken with all ingredients yprograma 15 minutes, 100 º, turn left and speed spoon. Add
Elvino and program 10 minutes, Varoma, turn left and speed spoon. Yapuedes serve with couscous. Garnish with almonds and parsley.
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