Friday, December 31, 2010

Statistics Calculator


Imagenes de feliz año 2011
To all my friends who visit me and I still wish you a very happy night and that next year brings much love, peace and prosperity for her and her family.
Kisses and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Happiness is a multi-well that when it is divided. Power
organize an agenda in my heart And it
save not only my daily commitments,
But also,

The names of my friends ...
Those who live far away and those who live near
The earliest and latest
Those who see every day and rarely see,
Those who always remember and sometimes forget,
The number of hours of difficult and joyful times,
Those who unintentionally hurt and wounded me,
Those who know deeply and I know surface
The you owe me and I owe
Those who taught me and teach those who were left ... And I fervently
from here
And where everyone choose
That friendship may be experienced and feels like a place of rest,
favor the possibility of making sense of belonging
A space sincere and genuine affection,
A place to come,
In the struggle of life ...
May the spirit of the New Year then, each soul
a fragrant flower
For every tear, a smile,
rancor, a meeting to the wisdom of forgiveness,
And every heart, be an open house
To receive, hold, hold, comprehend,
tolerate, accept differences,
simply give and give generously ...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Leland Chapman Boxing

found this beautiful story on the Web and so beautiful I thought I share it with all my friends.

said that when New Year comes the angels sit just curious edge of the clouds to listen to the orders that come from the ground.
- What's New? Asks an angel redhead newcomer. The usual: love, peace, health, happiness ...-
the older angel replied. Well, those are all very important things.
What happens is that centuries ago that I'm hearing the same orders and although time passes
men do not seem to understand that these things will never get from the sky as a gift.
What can we do to help? - Says the younger and enthusiastic of the angels. "I would encourage you
down with a message and whisper into the ears of those who will listen? - Asks the old
After a long discussion agreed and the angel red earth slid become whisper and worked hard morning, noon and night until 1os last minutes of the last day of año.Ya almost hear the clock strikes twelve and the old angel anxiously awaited the arrival of a renewed prayer. Then, bright and clear, he heard a word from a man saying: "A new year begins. So, at this very moment, we begin to recreate a different world, a better world without violence, without weapons, without borders, love, with dignity, with fewer police and more teachers with fewer prisons and more schools, less wealthy and less poor.
Let's join hands and form a human chain of children, youth and old, feel that a calorva from one body to another, the warmth of love, the warmth that we all need.
If we can get, and if we do we are lost, because no one else that we can build our own happiness. "
From the edge of a cloud in heaven, two angels smiling accomplices satisfied.

Ascot Cravat Difference

Year 2011 Happy New Year cards to my friends

The first to give me a card of congratulations is MARCELA , thanks friend.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tamil Wordings For Wedding Invites


very pretty crochet Bolero with a flower motif on the back. First I crocheted the flower and then the sides, having the desired width start knitting the bottom and top.
The front is woven with a simple V-neck The yarn is cotton with silk.


Flor back

sides and lower back

superiro back part

sleeves Item 1: for the back and front
Item 2: Item 3
sleeves, flower back. All edges
wove around half a point and a return fan.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hard To Swallow Headache

I want to share this beautiful story that I sent him a GROUP in which I participate. THE GOLDEN SLIPPERS

just four days before Christmas. Not yet felt the spirit of the occasion, although the parking lot of the discount store was packed. Inside the store was worse. Shopping carts and last minute customers causing jams in the aisles.

why I came to the city today? I wondered. My feet ached almost as much as the head. I had a list of several people who said they did not want anything, but I knew it would be offended if you do not buy anything. Buying gifts had nothing fun for me. I was buying for people who had everything, and the prices were exorbitant.

I filled my shopping cart in a hurry with these things last minute and went to the boxes. I chose the one that had the shortest line, but would have to wait at least twenty minutes to get to the box.

front of me was a boy and a girl. The boy was about five years and the girl was a little lower. He wore a ragged coat and huge old sneakers sticking out under some pants that were too short. In his hands, which were very dirty, had several dollar bills all crumpled.

girl's clothing resembled her brother. His head was a tangle of curly hair. In the face you could see the remains of dinner. In his hands a beautiful pair of gold slippers for the house. Christmas music was heard in the stereo store and the little girl humming happy tune.

When we got to the box, she put the shoes very carefully about the counter. The holding as if it were a treasure. The cashier checked the account.

are six dollars and nine cents said.

The boy laid his crumpled bills on the counter while looking more into the pockets of his pants. Managed to collect $ 3 to 12 cents.

Guess we'll have them back? said bravely. Come back later, maybe tomorrow.

As heard that, she said with a slight sob

But Jesus would have loved those shoes.

Well, go home and work some more. Do not cry, again after his brother assured him.

At that moment he spent three dollars to the cashier. These children had waited a long time in line, and ultimately, it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms surrounded me and a little voice cried

Thank you, ma'am.

did you mean when you said that Jesus would have liked those shoes? I asked.

The boy replied:

Our mom is sick and is going to go to Heaven. Dad said it was possible to go live with Jesus before Christmas.

She added:

In Sunday school, my teacher told me that the streets of heaven are gold, how are you shoes.

not you think my mom would be beautiful walking on those streets with the same color shoes?

My eyes watered to look for on the face stained with tears.

Yes I said, I have no doubt.

At this point I silently thanked God that is worth of these children to remind me what it means to give.

Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Building A Slate Fence

Merry Christmas Story Christmas

Hello friends!! I wish you all happy holidays! with the hope that this Night of Peace is only the beginning of a year full of successes.

MESSAGES Thank you so cute and I'm left comieza year follow blogueril in this beautiful world, I leave the card to be delivered to your house.

Sincerely, Silvia.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Can I Put In A Potion

puff jacket with ruffles

is the latest I think I weave jacket with ruffles, this time I used cotton yarn light green and beige combination is very nice.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hpcontrolador Ethernet T3000

In the city of Zaragoza , the 23rd and October 24th, will be the Fiesta English Water Dog, the SAP European Festival, organized by the Club de Agility L 'Almozara and authorized by the RSCE.

The agenda is as follows:

Saturday 23
After 16 hours:
2 nd Cup Agility Spain English Water Dog.
When completed there will be a display of the working group of the SEPA.

Sunday 24
From 10 hours.
Monograph National Competition English Water Dog Almozara.
Judge: Manuel Angulo Morales
confirmations will be made to race.
Confirmations: Juan José Ridaura Pastor

The site cele bration will Park of the Red Cross, next to the Gateway of Volunteering.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Do Eyes Yellow In Blacks

PAE Festival XIII International Dog Show Cadiz Province

Once again, the next 20 and November 21 will be held in Jerez de la Frontera the XIII International Exhibition and National Dog XXVII "Province of Cadiz .

The venue will be the IFECA Fairgrounds in Park Hontoria González, s / n. of that town.

The program of activities is as follows:

From 8.00 am withdrawing catalog and traveling veterinary control. Trials from 9:00 am, according to the timetables established for each race. All participating dogs must be arranged at the entrance to the ring half an hour before trial. Group Finals and the final will start from 15:30 hours each day.

Saturday 20

H. Collection of documents (veterinary control roaming). Start of trials in accordance with the timetable established for each of the races. During the day there will be the XXVII National Exhibition, which will involve all groups. The English Water Dog in Group 8, will count as judge Leif Ragnar Hjorth from Norway to the Grand Final of Group 8, the judge will Elina Tan-Hietalahti of Finlandia.

During the meeting, will develop the following monographs:

II national case FRENCH BULLDOG (CAC)
Information and registration: Tel 610636577

and registration information.: 639871084 Tel

Sunday 15

H. 08.00 Collection of documents (veterinary control roaming). Top trials according to schedules established for each of the races. this Day will be held during the XIII International Exhibition all groups involved. English Water Dog , Group 8, will judge Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez, and the Grand Final to Leif Ragnar Hjorth, Norway.

Shipping Registration can be made to the Canine Society of Western Andalusia, whose web: can be performed on-line registration. It may also send the registration along with proof of payment via e-mail to . The decommissioning of entries is October 25.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Clear Bubble In Mouth

The Dog Spanish Water as an educational resource

English water dog, is still under analysis and observation and study to exploit their abilities to work in different fields. In this line we frame the two projects of educational innovation and curriculum development, approved by the regional government, which relate to the role of the English Water Dog as an educational resource.

The Education of the Andalusian Government, by order regulates the measures of support, approval and appreciation to teachers for research projects and educational innovation and development curricular materials.

In the call for the 2010, by Resolution of July 14, approving the projects, and between them in Annex II, funded with $ 3,000 each, see the following projects: Projects

educational innovation and curriculum development:

Project Number 20:
Title and reference:
García Carmona, Antonio
Participants: 32 professionals education, plus the applicant.

Project 40:
Title and reference:
Do you consider the English water dog as a technical aid as an educational resource or as a trained professional? (PIN-384/10).
Martin de Lara, Laura
Participants: 4 education professionals, plus the applicant.

That is, both projects plan to the role of the English Water Dog as an educational resource on the first project of its capacity as an educational resource and the second examines whether it is feasible to use it as a technical aid as an educational resource or as a professional.

These initiatives have had mixed reviews in the press, to consider a proposed scenic and squander public money to subsidize. Gathering information, professional education, I expressed surprise at the criticism, because it is clear interest projects, to analyze the role of water dog as an educational resource and help in training autistic children and students with special needs SEN.

I hope to get more information about these projects and provide it in this way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kmc4400r Sürücü

2 º Monograph in Cuevas del Becerro

Once concluded this weekend and test Monograph VII Competition Working English Water Dog Grazalema, in anticipation of National and International Dog Show in Jerez Frontera, the next activity is 2nd Specialty & Exhibition Work English Water Dog in Cuevas del Becerro (Málaga)

will take place on Sunday, September 26 to from from 10 am at the sports center of the town.

The price of registration, will be 10 euros per copy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Color Sofa For A Dark Floor

IV National Competition Canino Carrión de los Céspedes (Sevilla)

Next Saturday, July 24, 2010 , will be the National Competition IV Canine Carrión de los Céspedes (Sevilla), valid for the Championship in Spain.

The venue will be the Polideportivo Municipal Carrion of Céspedes, organized by the Western Andalusian Dog Society and sponsored by the local council.

is a contest night, so the beginning of the contest is scheduled for 21.00 hours , being able to make entries in the exhibition and contest day from 18.00 pm hours.

The judges provided will be:

D. Llanos Felipe Palacios for Groups (I - IV - V).
D. Baldomero Lopez Fernández: for the Group (II).
D. Pedro Ortuño Estero for Groups (III - VI - VII - Retrievers)
D. Juan Carlos Pineda Dominguez for Groups (Group VIII-IX-X)

The veterinary : will be traveling.

admitted The Classes will be:
PUPPY CLASS (CC): For those individuals who have more than less than FIVE NINE MONTHS and the date of opening of the competition.

YOUTH CLASS (CJ): For those individuals who have more than nine months and under eighteen at the date of opening of the competition.

OPEN CLASS (CA): For dogs over the age of fifteen months from the date of opening of the competition. Can register those who are Champions.

COUPLES CLASS (CP): For male and female of the same breed and variety, and the same owner, presented by one person. To participate in this class both copies must be listed individually on any of the above.

CLASS OF BREEDING IN SPAIN (CCE): Groups of three or more copies of the same breed and variety, regardless of sex, from the same breeder, whether or not owned at the time of exposure. To compete in this class, the units that make up the group must be listed individually on any of the above classes (except Class Couples).

Trophies will be awarded :

A Group Winners in each class (Cat. A)
Best Couple Contest (Cat. B)
Best Breeder Contest (Cat. B)
Best Local Dog (Cat. B), First and Second Best Rated copy
English Race (Cat. C and B), First and second classifier.
Best Puppy (Cat. C, B and A), First, Second and Third classified
Best Young (Cat. C, B and A), First, Second and third places. Best presenter
youth (Cat. A) First, second and third places

With Special Awards :

Absolute Best Issue contest for Best Young
At Best Puppy contest

The price of entries:


1st dog , 8 € 10 €
2 nd dog ; ; 6 €        8 €

3º y siguientes                         4 €        6 €
Pareja                                     € 3 € 5

Breeder FREE FREE 1st puppy
; € 5 € 6
2 º puppy next 3 € € 4

Monday, June 21, 2010

Breaking Board Holder Plans

World Dog Show in Denmark

In the coming days there will be the World Dog Show , World Dog Show 2010 , Denmark. The venue will be the exhibition of Messecenter HCM City Herning Herning, Denmark, from 24 to 27 June 2010.

At the same on Thursday, June 24, 2010, is hosting the contest of the FCI Group 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs and FCI Group 8 - Retrievers Hunting , which is part of our English Water Dog.

The rest of the program is as follows: Friday, June 25 2010: FCI Group 3 - Terriers; FCI Group 6 - Hounds, Dog Flea and related breeds, FCI Group 10 - Sighthounds

Saturday, June 26 2010: FCI Group 5 - Spitz , FCI Group 7 - Pointing Dogs; FCI Group 9 - Companion Dog

Sunday, June 27 2010: FCI Group 2 - Dog Type Schnauzer, Pinscher, Molosoides Dog and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Type; FCI Group 4 - Dachshunds

also, on the occasion of the Exhibition World Dog Show 2010, the Dansk Kennel Klub (DKK) held the World Championship in Obedience 24 to June 27, 2010 in the city of Herning.

The titles and champions , awarded, are:

World Winner
This title is attributed to the dog and the dog of each breed that have obtained the title of International Champion of Beauty (CACIB). If race, as the division races / groups of the FCI (FCI), only is provisionally adopted by the FCI (races provisionally accepted), this title is attributed to the best dog and best bitch with a rating of Excellent from the race.

World-Class Winner Young
This title is attributed to the dog and the dog of each breed that have been rated Excellent 1 in junior class, provided that race was definitively or provisionally approved by the FCI.

World Winner - Class of veterans
title is attributed to the dog and the dog of each breed that have been rated Excellent 1 in Veteran class, provided that the race was definitively or provisionally approved by the FCI.

Danish Champion (DKCH)
dog that is attributed to at least three times you get a certificate issued by three different judges in at least recognized by the Danish exhibition DKK. For small breeds the last certificate shall have been earned after the dog has served 18 months for large breeds after the dog has served 24 months. Small breeds are marked with a * in the list of groups and the division races / ages is also indicated in alphabetical order by division races at the end of regulation DKK exhibitions.

Classes include the following :

Puppy Class
Age: 6 to 9 months (unofficial class)
Dogs entered in the puppy class compete to be the best puppy of the day.

class young
Age: 9 to 18 months
Dogs entered in the class of young people compete for the CAC certificate and Best of Breed BIR, but not compete for CACIB.
However, for some breeds covered by the rule that you must register the dog in working class so you can compete for the certificate.

Business class
Age: 15 to 24 months
Dogs entered in the intermediate class compete for the certificate CAC, CACIB and the BIR.
However, for some breeds applies the rule that you must register the dog in working class so you can compete for the certificate.

Open class
Age: from 15 months
Dogs entered in the open class compete for the certificate CAC, CACIB and the BIR.
However, for some breeds covered by the rule that you must register the dog in working class so you can compete for the certificate.

Working Class
Age: from 15 months
Danish-owned dogs must have passed a test for the corresponding race recognized by the DKK.
For foreign-owned dogs shall attach the certificate of working trial of the FCI.
Dogs entered in the working class will compete for the certificate CAC, CACIB and the BIR.

class champions
Age: from 15 months:
Dogs entered in the class of champions and compete for the CACIB the BIR, but not compete for the CAC certificate.
For dogs foreign registration must be accompanied by documentation of national or world championship.
Danish champions MUST register for the class of champions or class of veterans.

class veterans
Age: from 8 years
Dogs entered in the class of veterans will compete for the BIR and the Best Veteran, but NOT compete certified by the CAC and CACIB.
MUST Danish champions enrolling in the class of champions or class of veterans.

progeny class
progeny A class includes a male or a female accompanied by a minimum of three and a maximum of five of his progeny (first generation: sons / daughters) .
For breeds that are imposed testing requirements to participate in this class of progeny, apply at least two dogs in the class have passed the required test. Dogs must enroll in the class of champions, the kind of young, middle class, open, work or veterans. (However, a dog of a class of progeny may be registered outside of assessment).
may not participate puppies and dogs that have been rated as disqualified or not can be judged.

class players
A class of players includes a minimum of three and a maximum of five copies of the same breed and variety, without distinction of sex, bred by the same person (the same affix).
For breeds that are imposed testing requirements to participate in this kind of player, apply at least two dogs class have passed the required test.
Dogs must enroll in the class of champions, the kind of young, middle class, open, work or veterans.
may not participate puppies and dogs that have been rated as disqualified or not can be judged.

Awards ribbons and rosettes

Quality ratings are indicated by the following colors:

Excellent: Purple Ribbon
Okay : Red Ribbon
Well: Blue Ribbon
Enough: Yellow Ribbon
CAC (Certificate of Fitness for the championship Danish): red / white tape
CACIB (International Champion of Beauty ): White Ribbon
Reserve CACIB: Orange Ribbon
BIR (Best of Breed): Rosetta red / yellow
BIM (Best of the opposite sex): Rosetta blue / yellow

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Movies With Female Whipping

Monograph Las Cabezas de San Juan

The Seville town of Las Cabezas de San Juan, continues its commitment to the competitions and dog shows, in this case with a Monograph Working and Exhibition English Water Dog .

will place on June 20, 2010 , from 10.00 am, will have as a judge with Ms. Josefa López Curado.

The place is the Town Sacramento, the Carretera Las Cabezas-Sanlúcar de Barrameda, the village of Las Cabezas de San Juan (Sevilla)

is organized by the English Association of Dog English Water, with the assistance of the City of Las Cabezas de San Juan and society UGÍA.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Peyton Angel Of Death

Specialty & Exhibition Work in Estepona

The next day, June 5, 2010, at 18:00 pm in Estepona (Málaga), will be a Specialty and Exhibition Working English Water Dog.

The place is the square of Campo de Futbol "San Fernando" in the town. Acting as judge Vicente López Piñero.

It is organized by the English Association English Water Dog, authorized by the RSCE and has the support of the City of Estepona.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Media Receiver Pdp-r03e

VIII National Competition Canino Jimena de la Frontera

The next Sunday, May 9, 2010, in the Recinto Ferial de Jimenez de la Frontera (Cádiz), is hosting the VIII National Dog, valid for the Championship Andalusia, which bears the name of the town.

Organized by the Canine Society of Western Andalusia, with the Royal Canine Society of Spain and sponsored by the City of Jimena de la Frontera, admitted:

Open class (CA): For individuals older than fifteen months from the date of opening of the competition. Can register those who are champions.

young Class (CJ): For copies of more than nine months and under eighteen at the date of opening of the competition.

Class pups (CC): For those individuals who have more than five months and less than nine, at the opening of the competition.

class pairs (CP): For male and female of the same breed and variety, and the same owner, presented by one person. Both copies must be individually iunscritos any of the above.

breeding in Spain (CEE): For a group of three or more copies of the same breed and variety, regardless of sex, from the same breeder, whether or not your property in the time of the Exposition .. Also must be listed individually on any of the previous class except class couples.

Judges are

D. Llano Felipe Palacio
D. Pedro Ortuño Estero
D. Juan Carlos Pineda Dominguez

veterinary inspection will be traveling.

The inscriptions will be in the exhibition of Jimena de la Frontera on the day of the contest, starting at 8:30 am

Prices of inscriptions ranging from 7 to 4 euros, being free batch of breeding and English breeds.

Top of the contest at 11 am.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Different Types Of Business Agreements

Jobs Rescue Water Dogs

A sample of the rescue of dogs in water, we put the video below, which corresponds to the action in Haiti a team of firefighters in the province of Sevilla, with their dogs.

Fire Rescue Canine Unit (RCU), with the head of the Joint Integrated Jaime Parejo, author of the international rescue method catastrophes "Chest" GOE members of the Army military and firefighters Ecija, water dogs with members of the Canine Unit Ecija, acted trying to locate survivors - in this case without success - or rule out people who might be trapped under the rubble, as preliminary work for demolition of buildings .

In this case the video shows how Water Dog Rescue Canine Unit Ecija, inspect buildings in ruins to locate possible survivors.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Do Female Athletes Wear Knickers

Activities planned for 2010

As is customary, I detail the activities planned for the remainder of the year, the English Association English Water Dog , for those who may be interested:

  • Monograph 25 th, CAC ; in Ubrique (Cádiz) 3 and April 4, 2010.
  • Silleda Specialty B (Galicia) June 12, 2010.
  • Specialty B & Exhibition in El Palmar de Troya (Sevilla) - in June 2010
  • Training Workshop to search for "truffles" date and place to be. Championship
  • Working in Arcos de la Frontera (Cadiz) - 14 and August 15, 2010
  • Specialty B & Exhibition in Grazalema (Cádiz) - September 12, 2010
  • Seminar on Cognitive and emotional training in September PAE -Oct. 2010
  • Specialty B & Exhibition in Cuevas del Becerro (Málaga) - September 26, 2010
  • Working with Livestock Contest in Algar (Cadiz) - 16 and October 17, 2010
  • Display Working
    Jerez (Cadiz) - 20 and November 21, 2010
  • Specialty B Working and Exhibition Atarfe (Granada) November 28, 2010
  • IFEPA Work Exhibition (Murcia) - 6 and 7 November 2010
  • training workshop for hunting rabbits in Ubrique, Nov . or
  • December 2010 Special
    Working and Exhibition in Alicante - 4 and 5 December 2010
This calendar, warn, may be extended to those new activities that arise and that are feasible to accomplish.

As you have found, the first activity under the Dog Monograph XXV English Water to be held the next day 3 and April 4 in Ubrique (Cádiz).

The place is the Great Hall "Los Olivos" - CC Hipersol - C /. Sebastian Macias "El Pato", in the town.

It is organized by the English Association of English Water Dog, authorized by the RSCE and sponsored by the City of Ubrique.

Trials shall be borne by the following judges:

D. Adolfo Martinez Noguera
D. Juan José Ridaura Pastor D.
Jose Miguel Doval Sanchez

A good opportunity to participate with our dogs or enjoy watching the competition.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

After Pedicuremy Big Toe Hurts

Open-ended Working healing aura of the first layer of Gaia and remote monitoring of the calls.

Dear @ s Herman @ s @ s Worker of Light:

Since l @ s @ s Maestr entrusted us the task of healing and regenerating the first auric layer of Gaia ( click here if you want more of it) we been working on certain days remaining to cover a specific area of \u200b\u200bjoint work: first was in the Iberian Peninsula later in the Azores and Canary Islands and the maritime zone between these and the Iberian Peninsula and currently on the island of Great Britain. This area of \u200b\u200bwork depended on the people we met and the area we were going to cover. As you have experienced that you l @ s attended any of these meetings, the work consists of two phases (in the current work on the island of Great Britain is a new phase between the first and the second, but it, like the 2 nd, only be carried out in the days of calling):
  1. In the first phase heal points in the layer where the network energy can not be regenerated, because the energy is lost through these portals low vibration breaking the Network Electromagnetic. This stage is carried out by increasing the frequency of those points by generation Capacitor-generators, energy crystal planes from higher frequency.
  2. The second phase consists of, once healed these portals low vibration feedback Plot auric of this layer in which we are working, ie all connections are set to form the Red Electromagnetic.
Based on this work, I felt that it was possible that the first phase, the generation of crystals Capacitors-generators, the individual could do, whether we followed our meeting from time to time. Asked Master @ s @ s how I confirmed: "... Until now it was a phase of preparation of the Group and now each @ s of you can do separately, but no connection with the rest. You can cover more areas it is a more constant ... The framework is being regenerated by itself (second phase) but in any case ought to do well vosotr @ s .... "

then set before you the steps to carry out the work individually or in groups, outside the dates of call and the remote participation on those dates. But have not previously participated in this study also follow @ invite other to do so whenever they feel. It seems long letter but in practice is simple. In any case I am at your disposal to clarify doubts:

• Carry out a small relaxation exercise in a place where @ and you are comfortable so that you have your feet on the floor with your legs uncrossed or in another position of meditation that you are comfortable or familiar.

connect with our guides and teachers @ s @ s, and with the Master Asham and other beings of pure light involved in this effort and appreciate your guidance, protection, support and work hand and and for having encouraged and guided this work we are carrying out between tod @ s.

also connects with the working group that we've been previously worked in the healing and regeneration of Gaia. A part of we, and / or egregor (collective energy) generated by the group during these sessions connect to support and strengthen the work.

• Then make a connection exercise Earth-Cosmos your know or that I propose. First with Earth energy: we envision the soles roots that spread out horizontally and vertically to the center of the Earth. We feel that we Gaia energy absorbed by the roots and is entering the soles of the feet and the first chakra master (perineum) and feel that energy as it moves through your entire physical body and energy and all the chakras to the crown and as it dissolves and dragging the blockages. This energy goes out the top like a fountain and return to Mother Earth to regenerate and returns to the feet. We do this 2 or 3 times in total, or more if we feel it is necessary.

• After we connect with the energy of the Cosmos (God, Source, light energy, etc., Depending on your code). @ Banadir can feel that energy and all that is coming through the crown chakra moves through your body and physical energy through the chakras, this time downward. You can feel (if they feel do not give importance, with the intention move the energy, we feel it or not) as there is this exchange of energy between the energy of the Earth and the Cosmos, which occurs on a regular basis, but in this case with more intensity.

• Connecting with the Great Etheric City Hispania ( GCE), which is on the Iberian Peninsula, which the Master Asham is, among other functions Spokesman (see message on the GCE Asham Hispania). The GCE is an energy source for generating energy crystals or harmonizing Capacitors-Generators (CG)

• Generation of energy crystals stabilizers or capacitors, generators (CG).
The generator is a glass or vibration stabilizer as such will be placed at the point of the network forming auric layer in which the vibration down or dropped.

First question: How do ? Like any object energy, energy is created with the available channel at that time are. The inner feeling is like the central energy channel that runs through your body, entering at the same time for your perineum, Gaia power and your fontanelle, energy universal pranic confluence both in your solar plexus, in your heart and / or hands, from which a stream of energy that creates an energy crystal. You may be able to view the glass and / or feel his generation, but if not, do not worry, your creativity is your intention in mind as this focused on the generation of crystals. The CG are powered by the CGE and anchored to Gaia. You can have a glass in your right hand to facilitate the connection with the crystal structures.

Second question: Where place? Once you feel that the glass is created to deliver it Maestr @ s @ s to locate the appropriate site.

We can also reverse the process. You can take a tour of an area network and feel electromagnetic point of depression. Where you feel, think and feel as the generator rises network at that point and restructuring the energy flow. If you feel that it is not enough you have created, because it stabilizes the flow, reconnect with the generator and ample power.

You can generate as many as sintáis CG, repeating the 2 steps, generation and delivery-placement. In any case we must not give a predetermined intention to form the CG or its location, because each has specific characteristics for each site concrete.

• Once the work again to appreciate Maestr @ s @ s, the Working Group as well as Gaia has allowed us to heal that which once struck mankind.

You can click here to see the areas and dates that we have covered so far . The work area is the island slope of Great Britain. We are covering from south to north. Feel the area you want to work and ... go!

I invite you, or rather the plans of Light "invite us" ... to continue and support this work of healing and regeneration aural de Gaia, now from anywhere, anytime to go to cover larger areas. Can organize small gatherings of working people s to do it if you do so arises, I am at your disposal to support your proposals and answer questions or other issues or by phone 667 666 253.

In all events, as well, I ask you this message to your difundáis @ s family, friends @ s, @ s worker groups of the Light, pages and Internet portals, as well as internal development centers. Gaia awaits our response. Adelante!

heartfelt thanks and a hug for Luz, Antonio Rabbits

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Facial Cyst Removal Costs


Internet Browsing, I found a post, which tells the story of a English Water Dog, and his performance as a rescue dog in the recent disaster in Haiti. For your interest I reproduce it and I review the final web author and source:

"... 'Turk' is an Andalusian dog and his story begins, like Dali and Bunuel film, with a fine knife sharp.
Where appropriate, the pit was in the neck. They drew their owners and the microchip, a common practice among owners of the 150,000 dogs are abandoned each year in Spain, as many human victims in the earthquake of Haiti. No chip, no complaint. The animal loses its identity and, almost always lose their lives. `Turk ', a peasant boy, maybe a Christmas present, he wandered no one knows how long on the outskirts of Tarifa, in the summer of 2008 and ended in a field of operations. It was caught by soldiers who were firing exercises, died of thirst, a bag of bones, full of fleas and parasites. And with a pedruscazo on the muzzle still oozing, courtesy of another 'lover' of animals. Turkish

was so traumatized that he forgot how to bark like a child is silent about the abuse. A year after her ordeal, the dog was unable to utter a wow.

Turkish That's how life crossed Plaza Cristina Jorge, a professional soldier for 22 years, Valladolid, stationed in Ceuta. "I called the fellow who had rescued. They knew I was struggling to adapt, I felt alone and had told everyone he wanted a dog. They sent me a photo for your mobile. It seemed tiny, but proved to be a big guy. And he was very skinny. I fell in love. I crossed the strait on the ferry, I went to see the vet of Algeciras where they left off and I took it home. "

` Turkish 'recovered from his wounds thanks to the pampering of Cristina. And he brought back the joy, because the nobility never lost. "It's the most playful dog in the world. Tireless. What she likes most is running on the beach. We can throw a stick hundred times, a hundred times will go for it and will bring it. "They lived happily together eight months. Gained weight, but still did not bark. One morning, a downpour fell: 160 liters per square meter. And Cristina rental house, a floor was flooded so it was uninhabitable. "Oozed so much moisture that I had to return to barracks. As there could not have it, took it home to my mother in Castronuevo of Esgueva, a town of Valladolid. "There, he met Turkish snow. But fate had reserved a new surprise. The dog rescued from death by soldiers of good heart would have an opportunity to demonstrate their generosity and return the favor. By far.

The nephew of a neighbor, firefighter rescue specialist group of the Junta de Castilla y León, saw him run around the village and immediately sensed that this pooch happy, vivid, sniffed it all with the curiosity of a detective, not sidetrack ever had the makings of a hero. Cristina asked permission to make a test. "They had a` Dopy ', a golden retriever, but always looking for new dogs. It is not easy to find candidates who pass the tests. I told them I agree. Mine cost me, because I love him very much, but I convinced my mother. "His argument was unanswerable and be prophetic:" Imagine, Cristina, that one day 'Turkish' save a life. " Cristina

firefighters put them three conditions before you donate to them to 'Turkish': it does not change the name, that let him see it every time he went to Valladolid and, if the dog does not pass, it back. And he warned, moreover, the major drawback: no barking. How do they manage to alert them if there was a survivor from the rubble? Fifteen days after the phone call. "Your dog and bark and made a machine. When we run, is coming with us. And then you have to run to the next round. Never enough. "Thus began the grueling training a dog rescuer in buildings and collapsed structures.

Eugene, his handler at the fire station of Tordesillas, Turco `taught 'the art. Moving in the thousand traps of a collapse, go into the dark recesses unlikely, since not enough to detect a scent and made to bark, a good rescue dog try to go deeper and find a way to get as close as possible to the victim buried. There are dogs that will give the pledge of a person and they follow the track. Distinguish the generic smell of humans and are able to differentiate whether a person is alive or dead. And to discriminate between odors of those buried and those that are on the surface. It is a great responsibility, because when the dogs finish their work and the area is declared clean, starts mucking machines. Should empathize with human pairing to form an effective team. His prize: a touch, a sweet, chew a stick.

Completed his training, became the litmus test. 'Turkish' and `Dopy 'flew to Haiti a team of seven firefighters in the parks of Valladolid, Tordesillas and Palencia, Francisco Rivas as expedition leader. And they showed their worth. Nine working days were as intense as atrocious, working 16 hours a day in unimaginable conditions, including aftershocks and looting or mere survival. Participated in 18 rescues. When there are 150,000 dead in the field, talk about happy endings 18 is like clinging to straws. Even dogs become depressed at the enormity of the tragedy. But every life counts. For this reason, Francisco Rivas can not ever forget the teenager who had to leave a building when a half hour just to dig because the escorts from the UN, fearful of being involved in a firefight nearby, ordered them to leave the save and exit thence by legs.

But nobody will ever forget the child rescue Redjeson Hausted Claude, two years. A miracle that turned the world. The boy was in the rubble of the family home, hugged his grandfather died. When Oscar Vega firefighter pulled him in her arms, the family surrounded him and began to dance around amid shouts of joy. "When I saw him on television, I began to mourn and could not stop. That's my 'Turkish'! Is the greatest thing that ever happened in life, "recalls Cristina. Turco is now back in Spain, chewing sticks, his hobby, playing with `Dopy ', his fellow-sufferer. And daily training to keep saving lives as if nothing ... "

Author: Carlos Manuel Sánchez
From: de-actualidad.html

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Honey Extractor Reviews

Alcalá de Guadaíra 2010

Cool new Dog Show, comes another year, it is the National Dog Show XVI and XXXIV International Dog Show Alcalá de Guadaíra.

It will take place during the days March 6 and March 7, 2010 in the Recinto Ferial de San Juan in the same town.

During the day March 6, Saturday, hosting the National Show, with a pass of all groups, with the judges provided for the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), Benjamin Mari Carmen García Sánchez and Gil Polo. For groups and finally, in Group VIII; will Staunskjear Ole (Denmark), at best English breeds, Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Best in Show (BIS), Paul Stanton (Sweden).

During the March 7, Sunday, is hosting the International Dog Show, also with a pass of all groups, in this case to the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), the judges will be Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Dr. Ron James (UK), the latter is also the judge for Group and Group VIII Finals. The judge for the best English Breeds will be Francisco Rodríguez Ruiz and Best in Show (BIS) Staunskjear Ole (Denmark).

During the Exhibition, will be a series of parallel activities, such as Andalusia XIII Championship Rottweiler Club of Spain, Judge specialist: Mr. Uwe Peterman, the Case Competition III Dogo Canario The Competition XV monographic German Spitz, the display Cinológica units of the Guardia Civil and National Police ; and Youth Training Course Presenters taught by Keith Young (UK).

The first registration deadline will be February 10, 2010, with the final closure on 20 February 2010 (25% increase in the rate).

exhibitors are advised to carry out the registration of their copies and payment of the same by paying online with credit card on the web: , or by Transfer to Canine Society of Western Andalusia, 2106-0981-74-0212019038 account number, IBAN-ES15 2106 0981 74 0212019038 COD. SWIFT CECAESMM106.

registrations will not be accepted after the deadline or at the show, entries must be submitted with copy of proof of payment, SCAOCC, C /. Cuevas de Menga, 1 Portal 8 Local 17, 41020 Sevilla, Tel 954237646, Fax: 954237573, e-mail:

Copies youth enrolled in class must provide the number of the book of origins in order to participate, also is required to complete the identification section of the specimen in the registration form: microchip or tattoo, and lead to exposure of the medical card for veterinary inspection.
The cost for the first dog will be from 23.00 euros at the national and 30.00 euros in puppies internacional: 12.00 and 18.00 euros respectively, the veteran English breeds and 50%.

The figures of other editions of the dog show, with more than 20.000visitas, 1,500 copies of 80 different breeds of dogs, 3000 meters fully equipped tents and 1,000 square feet for restaurant service.

Having also have seating areas, trade stands, outdoor courts and is located in an environment of extraordinary natural beauty, next to Pine Oromana and Guadaíra Rivera, makes it a very attractive match . Therefore, there is only encourage you to participate or have a day of rest watching the contest.