I want to share this beautiful story that I sent him a GROUP in which I participate. THE GOLDEN SLIPPERS
just four days before Christmas. Not yet felt the spirit of the occasion, although the parking lot of the discount store was packed. Inside the store was worse. Shopping carts and last minute customers causing jams in the aisles.
why I came to the city today? I wondered. My feet ached almost as much as the head. I had a list of several people who said they did not want anything, but I knew it would be offended if you do not buy anything. Buying gifts had nothing fun for me. I was buying for people who had everything, and the prices were exorbitant.
I filled my shopping cart in a hurry with these things last minute and went to the boxes. I chose the one that had the shortest line, but would have to wait at least twenty minutes to get to the box.
front of me was a boy and a girl. The boy was about five years and the girl was a little lower. He wore a ragged coat and huge old sneakers sticking out under some pants that were too short. In his hands, which were very dirty, had several dollar bills all crumpled.
girl's clothing resembled her brother. His head was a tangle of curly hair. In the face you could see the remains of dinner. In his hands a beautiful pair of gold slippers for the house. Christmas music was heard in the stereo store and the little girl humming happy tune.
When we got to the box, she put the shoes very carefully about the counter. The holding as if it were a treasure. The cashier checked the account.
are six dollars and nine cents said.
The boy laid his crumpled bills on the counter while looking more into the pockets of his pants. Managed to collect $ 3 to 12 cents.
Guess we'll have them back? said bravely. Come back later, maybe tomorrow.
As heard that, she said with a slight sob
But Jesus would have loved those shoes.
Well, go home and work some more. Do not cry, again after his brother assured him.
At that moment he spent three dollars to the cashier. These children had waited a long time in line, and ultimately, it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms surrounded me and a little voice cried
Thank you, ma'am.
did you mean when you said that Jesus would have liked those shoes? I asked.
The boy replied:
Our mom is sick and is going to go to Heaven. Dad said it was possible to go live with Jesus before Christmas.
She added:
In Sunday school, my teacher told me that the streets of heaven are gold, how are you shoes.
not you think my mom would be beautiful walking on those streets with the same color shoes?
My eyes watered to look for on the face stained with tears.
Yes I said, I have no doubt.
At this point I silently thanked God that is worth of these children to remind me what it means to give.
Author Unknown
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