Cool new Dog Show, comes another year, it is the National Dog Show XVI and XXXIV International Dog Show Alcalá de Guadaíra.
It will take place during the days March 6 and March 7, 2010 in the Recinto Ferial de San Juan in the same town.
During the day March 6, Saturday, hosting the National Show, with a pass of all groups, with the judges provided for the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), Benjamin Mari Carmen García Sánchez and Gil Polo. For groups and finally, in Group VIII; will Staunskjear Ole (Denmark), at best English breeds, Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Best in Show (BIS), Paul Stanton (Sweden).
During the March 7, Sunday, is hosting the International Dog Show, also with a pass of all groups, in this case to the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), the judges will be Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Dr. Ron James (UK), the latter is also the judge for Group and Group VIII Finals. The judge for the best English Breeds will be Francisco Rodríguez Ruiz and Best in Show (BIS) Staunskjear Ole (Denmark).
It will take place during the days March 6 and March 7, 2010 in the Recinto Ferial de San Juan in the same town.
During the day March 6, Saturday, hosting the National Show, with a pass of all groups, with the judges provided for the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), Benjamin Mari Carmen García Sánchez and Gil Polo. For groups and finally, in Group VIII; will Staunskjear Ole (Denmark), at best English breeds, Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Best in Show (BIS), Paul Stanton (Sweden).
During the March 7, Sunday, is hosting the International Dog Show, also with a pass of all groups, in this case to the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), the judges will be Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Dr. Ron James (UK), the latter is also the judge for Group and Group VIII Finals. The judge for the best English Breeds will be Francisco Rodríguez Ruiz and Best in Show (BIS) Staunskjear Ole (Denmark).
During the Exhibition, will be a series of parallel activities, such as Andalusia XIII Championship Rottweiler Club of Spain, Judge specialist: Mr. Uwe Peterman, the Case Competition III Dogo Canario The Competition XV monographic German Spitz, the display Cinológica units of the Guardia Civil and National Police ; and Youth Training Course Presenters taught by Keith Young (UK).
The first registration deadline will be February 10, 2010, with the final closure on 20 February 2010 (25% increase in the rate).
exhibitors are advised to carry out the registration of their copies and payment of the same by paying online with credit card on the web: , or by Transfer to Canine Society of Western Andalusia, 2106-0981-74-0212019038 account number, IBAN-ES15 2106 0981 74 0212019038 COD. SWIFT CECAESMM106.
registrations will not be accepted after the deadline or at the show, entries must be submitted with copy of proof of payment, SCAOCC, C /. Cuevas de Menga, 1 Portal 8 Local 17, 41020 Sevilla, Tel 954237646, Fax: 954237573, e-mail:
Copies youth enrolled in class must provide the number of the book of origins in order to participate, also is required to complete the identification section of the specimen in the registration form: microchip or tattoo, and lead to exposure of the medical card for veterinary inspection.
The cost for the first dog will be from 23.00 euros at the national and 30.00 euros in puppies internacional: 12.00 and 18.00 euros respectively, the veteran English breeds and 50%.
The figures of other editions of the dog show, with more than 20.000visitas, 1,500 copies of 80 different breeds of dogs, 3000 meters fully equipped tents and 1,000 square feet for restaurant service.
Having also have seating areas, trade stands, outdoor courts and is located in an environment of extraordinary natural beauty, next to Pine Oromana and Guadaíra Rivera, makes it a very attractive match . Therefore, there is only encourage you to participate or have a day of rest watching the contest.
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