Dear @ s Herman @ s @ s Worker of Light:
Since l @ s @ s Maestr entrusted us the task of healing and regenerating the first auric layer of Gaia ( click here if you want more of it) we been working on certain days remaining to cover a specific area of \u200b\u200bjoint work: first was in the Iberian Peninsula later in the Azores and Canary Islands and the maritime zone between these and the Iberian Peninsula and currently on the island of Great Britain. This area of \u200b\u200bwork depended on the people we met and the area we were going to cover. As you have experienced that you l @ s attended any of these meetings, the work consists of two phases (in the current work on the island of Great Britain is a new phase between the first and the second, but it, like the 2 nd, only be carried out in the days of calling):
- In the first phase heal points in the layer where the network energy can not be regenerated, because the energy is lost through these portals low vibration breaking the Network Electromagnetic. This stage is carried out by increasing the frequency of those points by generation Capacitor-generators, energy crystal planes from higher frequency.
- The second phase consists of, once healed these portals low vibration feedback Plot auric of this layer in which we are working, ie all connections are set to form the Red Electromagnetic.
then set before you the steps to carry out the work individually or in groups, outside the dates of call and the remote participation on those dates. But have not previously participated in this study also follow @ invite other to do so whenever they feel. It seems long letter but in practice is simple. In any case I am at your disposal to clarify doubts:
• Carry out a small relaxation exercise in a place where @ and you are comfortable so that you have your feet on the floor with your legs uncrossed or in another position of meditation that you are comfortable or familiar.
• connect with our guides and teachers @ s @ s, and with the Master Asham and other beings of pure light involved in this effort and appreciate your guidance, protection, support and work hand and and for having encouraged and guided this work we are carrying out between tod @ s.
• also connects with the working group that we've been previously worked in the healing and regeneration of Gaia. A part of we, and / or egregor (collective energy) generated by the group during these sessions connect to support and strengthen the work.
• Then make a connection exercise Earth-Cosmos your know or that I propose. First with Earth energy: we envision the soles roots that spread out horizontally and vertically to the center of the Earth. We feel that we Gaia energy absorbed by the roots and is entering the soles of the feet and the first chakra master (perineum) and feel that energy as it moves through your entire physical body and energy and all the chakras to the crown and as it dissolves and dragging the blockages. This energy goes out the top like a fountain and return to Mother Earth to regenerate and returns to the feet. We do this 2 or 3 times in total, or more if we feel it is necessary.
• After we connect with the energy of the Cosmos (God, Source, light energy, etc., Depending on your code). @ Banadir can feel that energy and all that is coming through the crown chakra moves through your body and physical energy through the chakras, this time downward. You can feel (if they feel do not give importance, with the intention move the energy, we feel it or not) as there is this exchange of energy between the energy of the Earth and the Cosmos, which occurs on a regular basis, but in this case with more intensity.
• Connecting with the Great Etheric City Hispania ( GCE), which is on the Iberian Peninsula, which the Master Asham is, among other functions Spokesman (see message on the GCE Asham Hispania). The GCE is an energy source for generating energy crystals or harmonizing Capacitors-Generators (CG)
• Generation of energy crystals stabilizers or capacitors, generators (CG).
The generator is a glass or vibration stabilizer as such will be placed at the point of the network forming auric layer in which the vibration down or dropped.
First question: How do ? Like any object energy, energy is created with the available channel at that time are. The inner feeling is like the central energy channel that runs through your body, entering at the same time for your perineum, Gaia power and your fontanelle, energy universal pranic confluence both in your solar plexus, in your heart and / or hands, from which a stream of energy that creates an energy crystal. You may be able to view the glass and / or feel his generation, but if not, do not worry, your creativity is your intention in mind as this focused on the generation of crystals. The CG are powered by the CGE and anchored to Gaia. You can have a glass in your right hand to facilitate the connection with the crystal structures.
Second question: Where place? Once you feel that the glass is created to deliver it Maestr @ s @ s to locate the appropriate site.
We can also reverse the process. You can take a tour of an area network and feel electromagnetic point of depression. Where you feel, think and feel as the generator rises network at that point and restructuring the energy flow. If you feel that it is not enough you have created, because it stabilizes the flow, reconnect with the generator and ample power.
You can generate as many as sintáis CG, repeating the 2 steps, generation and delivery-placement. In any case we must not give a predetermined intention to form the CG or its location, because each has specific characteristics for each site concrete.
• Once the work again to appreciate Maestr @ s @ s, the Working Group as well as Gaia has allowed us to heal that which once struck mankind.
You can click here to see the areas and dates that we have covered so far . The work area is the island slope of Great Britain. We are covering from south to north. Feel the area you want to work and ... go!
I invite you, or rather the plans of Light "invite us" ... to continue and support this work of healing and regeneration aural de Gaia, now from anywhere, anytime to go to cover larger areas. Can organize small gatherings of working people s to do it if you do so arises, I am at your disposal to support your proposals and answer questions or other issues or by phone 667 666 253.
In all events, as well, I ask you this message to your difundáis @ s family, friends @ s, @ s worker groups of the Light, pages and Internet portals, as well as internal development centers. Gaia awaits our response. Adelante!
heartfelt thanks and a hug for Luz, Antonio Rabbits
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