Thursday, January 7, 2010

Specialized Expedition Bike

Value Workspace

was last December 2, 2009 when we started to work in groups to regenerate and heal the Auric 1st layer of Gaia. We hope to finish the Red pentagonal Iberia vortices December 22 ( ) to publish and will convene the first meeting of regeneration aural and openly began on 29 December 2009.

Today I feel much gratitude to announce that, barring any new statement on the matter, our task in the Healing and Regeneration of the 1 st layer Gaia auric conclude with the work of the last 5 November 2010.

The phased assignments were as follows:
  • Iberian Peninsula. Phase completed after 13 days. Cover
  • Canary Islands, Azores Islands and the entire marine area between them and the Iberian Peninsula. Phase completed.
  • When we finish this stage, and thanks to all the work done so far, will undertake the most important: the coding and programming of the network of the 1 st to auric layer to heal and regenerate itself for the rest of the planet. Phase completed.
  • Finally, we have been entrusted regeneration and healing of the 1 st auric layer on the island of Great Britain. Although this has not been transmitted in the messages, it seems that Britain also has a role in the ascension process and very important point energy as the energy integration of East and West. That is why you may require a specific job, which will be different in network programming for the entire planet. completed Phase
Then you will see a summary of the work already done, with dates and areas covered approximately:

Canary Islands, Iberian Peninsula and Azores Islands
Year 2009

  • 1. 2 / 12 . 25 km (east-west) x 23 km (north-south) = 575km2. Madrid city.
  • 2. 29/12. 228x81aprox = 18,268 km2 south of Madrid, parts of the provinces of Madrid, Toledo, Cuenca and Guadalajara
Year 2010
  • 3. 13 / 1 . 370.5 x 162 = 60 021 km2 north of Madrid, part of the provinces of Zamora, Salamanca, Valladolid, Ávila, Segovia, Burgos, Madrid, Soria, Guadalajara, Cuenca and Zaragoza.
  • 4. 19 / 1 . 184x199 = 36,616 km2, covering part of the provinces of Burgos, Soria, La Rioja, Navarra, Alava, Guipúzcoa yVizcaya .
  • 5. February 3, 326x200 = 65,200 km2 covering part of the provinces of Burgos, Palencia, Valladolid, Leon, Zamora, Orense, Lugo, Asturias, Cantabria and Vizcaya and part of the province of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (P) in Portugal.
  • 6. February 21 ( 130x195) + (210x81) = 42,592 km2 covering part of the provinces of La Coruña, Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra, Douro Litoral (P), Minho (P) and Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro ( P).
  • 7. March 11. (306x202) + (98x153) = 76 985 km2, covering part of southern France, the Pyrenees, Andorra, and the provinces of Guipuzcoa, Navarra, Zaragoza, Huesca, Lerida, Gerona, Barcelona and Tarragona.
  • 8. March 23 : 64,070 km2 covering Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTarragona, Castellon, Valencia, Zaragoza, Teruel and Cuenca.
  • 9. April 15 : 31,300 km2 land comprising the provinces of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Almeria and Albacete
  • 10. April 27 : 56,376 km2 land comprising part or all of the provinces of Cuenca, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Jaen, Granada, y Almeria.
  • 11. 11 de mayo . Embracing part of these provinces of Caceres, Badajoz, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Jaen, Sevilla, Malaga, Granada y Cádiz.
  • 12. 27 de mayo . Covering part of las provincias de Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz y de las Portuguese Aveiro, Viseu, Guarda, Coimbra, Leiria, Castelo Blanco, Lisbon, Santarem, Portoalegre, Setubal, Evora y Beja.
  • 13. 9 de julio . Cubriendo the part totalidad de las provincias of Beja (P), Faro (P), Huelva Sevilla, Cadiz, Canary Islands and the coastal strip between the Canaries and the peninsula. Today therefore we have completed the entire Iberian Peninsula.
  • 14. July 20. Covering the entire maritime area between the Iberian Peninsula, the Azores and the zone 13 cover on 9 July, and the land areas of the Azores and Madeira.

Britain Island
Zone 1. October 8: Peninsula Cornwall, Glastonbury, Avalon, Bristol, London ...
Zone 2. October 15: Wales, Birmingham, Leicester, Cambridge, Norwich ...
Zone 3. October 22: Nottingham, Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford ...
Zone 4. October 29: Northern England, Southern Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh ...
Zone 5. November 5: Central and northern Scotland.

Other works We expect to be carried out and in turn forward it to you.

Thanks, see you soon and a hug for everyone s Luz, Antonio Rabbits


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