Hello friends, I want to share with you what I got from a group where I participate, I liked finally recognized all craftsmen.
Spain, Italy and France signed the international bill of craftsmanship
January 22 letter was signed international craft an agreement for joint promotion of the craft sector European which was signed in Paris by the major associations of artisans from Spain France and Italy: Art & Craft, OAE (Spain), Trades and Confederazione Nazionale della Piccola e Media Impresa (CNA) and Confartigianato (Italy), Ateliers d ' Art de France (France).
The international bill of craftsmanship, is the first international instrument to recognize the craft as an industrial and economic sector specific identity.
The act of signing the letter was held in honor of Hall of Villepinte Paris fairgrounds North in the framework of international crafts fair Maison & Objet in Paris, attended by, among others, Frédéric Lefebvre, secretary of state and minister of commerce and crafts of France, Nieves Diaz, Consejería embajada de Portugal's trade in France, Nava Castro, head of the Secretariat of Economy Trade and Industry of the Xunta de Galicia y Elena Fabeiro , manager of the Foundation Center Galego Craft and Design
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