Sunday, January 24, 2010

Honey Extractor Reviews

Alcalá de Guadaíra 2010

Cool new Dog Show, comes another year, it is the National Dog Show XVI and XXXIV International Dog Show Alcalá de Guadaíra.

It will take place during the days March 6 and March 7, 2010 in the Recinto Ferial de San Juan in the same town.

During the day March 6, Saturday, hosting the National Show, with a pass of all groups, with the judges provided for the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), Benjamin Mari Carmen García Sánchez and Gil Polo. For groups and finally, in Group VIII; will Staunskjear Ole (Denmark), at best English breeds, Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Best in Show (BIS), Paul Stanton (Sweden).

During the March 7, Sunday, is hosting the International Dog Show, also with a pass of all groups, in this case to the Group VIII (which includes the English Water Dog), the judges will be Antonio Sánchez Guijarro and Dr. Ron James (UK), the latter is also the judge for Group and Group VIII Finals. The judge for the best English Breeds will be Francisco Rodríguez Ruiz and Best in Show (BIS) Staunskjear Ole (Denmark).

During the Exhibition, will be a series of parallel activities, such as Andalusia XIII Championship Rottweiler Club of Spain, Judge specialist: Mr. Uwe Peterman, the Case Competition III Dogo Canario The Competition XV monographic German Spitz, the display Cinológica units of the Guardia Civil and National Police ; and Youth Training Course Presenters taught by Keith Young (UK).

The first registration deadline will be February 10, 2010, with the final closure on 20 February 2010 (25% increase in the rate).

exhibitors are advised to carry out the registration of their copies and payment of the same by paying online with credit card on the web: , or by Transfer to Canine Society of Western Andalusia, 2106-0981-74-0212019038 account number, IBAN-ES15 2106 0981 74 0212019038 COD. SWIFT CECAESMM106.

registrations will not be accepted after the deadline or at the show, entries must be submitted with copy of proof of payment, SCAOCC, C /. Cuevas de Menga, 1 Portal 8 Local 17, 41020 Sevilla, Tel 954237646, Fax: 954237573, e-mail:

Copies youth enrolled in class must provide the number of the book of origins in order to participate, also is required to complete the identification section of the specimen in the registration form: microchip or tattoo, and lead to exposure of the medical card for veterinary inspection.
The cost for the first dog will be from 23.00 euros at the national and 30.00 euros in puppies internacional: 12.00 and 18.00 euros respectively, the veteran English breeds and 50%.

The figures of other editions of the dog show, with more than 20.000visitas, 1,500 copies of 80 different breeds of dogs, 3000 meters fully equipped tents and 1,000 square feet for restaurant service.

Having also have seating areas, trade stands, outdoor courts and is located in an environment of extraordinary natural beauty, next to Pine Oromana and Guadaíra Rivera, makes it a very attractive match . Therefore, there is only encourage you to participate or have a day of rest watching the contest.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Filmy Online Hd Lektor

Upcoming meetings for healing and regeneration aural

I'm very grateful to announce that, barring any new instruction about our task in the Healing and Regeneration of the 1st layer Gaia auric conclude with the work of the past 5 November 2010.

Other work we expect to be carried out and in turn forward it to you.

Thanks and see you soon,
Antonio Rabbits

Reading Of The Faithfull

Gaia Healing and regeneration of the 1 st layer of Gaia auric

Dear @ s Herman @ s @ s Worker of Light:

After all the work carried out last year 2009 where we generate and activate the Red pentagonal vortex of the Iberian Peninsula and the connection with other structures on the planet pentagonal energy to generate a large planetary vortex attached to the Constellation the Pleiades ( ) wanted to share with you another new task to the plane of light, guided by the Master ascended Asham have conveyed to us. It is healing and regeneration of the first layer aura of Gaia. It is work that was already partially done and not knowing its impact, until I get the message as ".. work to be performed (again) for the entire Iberian Peninsula ...". From that moment came the expanded Service Asham through Sol Hernández with the keys and data necessary for this work within what he calls the Gaia Plan.

On December 2 we make the first group work as a starter and making contact with success. Then you

convey some information that has come in relation to this task (Hernandez and Asham Sun through Sun Hernandez):


The Earth is covered by Electromagnetic Network consists of 12 layers of light channels. Through these channels the electromagnetic energy passes the planet needs to exist. The energy is composed of full spectrum light and can be, depending on the layer, some color or another, but always mixed, that is, each layer are varying shades flowing through the channels.

The layers are of two types, odd and has a couple other settings. Layers

odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11):

Layers pairs (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12):

layers are inserted to make the final structure is compact and unbreakable as possible. But there is something that alters the structure and therefore can break the network and are the portals of negative energy. These portals are channels energy dense form by changing the frequency at levels well below those of the site or network.

The first layer of the Earth's electromagnetic grid anchored to Earth, the rest, as they joined each other energetically. This first layer would be the etheric double in the human aura and, therefore, is the energy distribution outside and inside the planet, hence the need for these anchors.


between the first and second layer are placed energy generators to maintain high frequency and thus, in places where there has been alterations or low frequencies, it can bring and maintain the proper frequency. These generators are not certain geometric shapes, ie, that appear as needed, you should not put one in particular, because you can not tell exactly which one is right at the time and place. Just to set the generator, the network structure is adequate. These generators are connected to higher frequency levels, plans of 6 meetings, and bring that vibration to the structure. The generator, therefore, is linked to the frequency of 6 th and the Earth, being anchored to the two poles and turning to energy spread to the entire area has been applied.

Where you see a low vibration breaking Portal Network, you must first increase the frequency with capacitors-Generators (Generator variation) and then work or Red Electromagnetic Plot. Depending on the Portal, so will the condenser-generator that will change the frequency. After refreshing the network in the damaged area will activate it, will be anchored and placed the appropriate generators. In doing this work, will look like the Red Electromagnetic activated in a high frequency, shining and channeling the energy to its full potential.

This work will be done in the first layer is the most damaged in the second layer must be dense clean energy caused by the great mass of lost souls, hardened or negative that are currently in the astral and the density of the places where there was pain, death, hatred, etc. .. At the time that all these souls anchored to these maps are released and raise land to their rightful place, the corresponding layer, the second he began to clean and brighten according to the proper frequency, like the first.

With this double work will ensure that Gaia frequency range suitable to the present, helping humanity to rise with it.

The mission has 12 layers Gaia protect from any attack, invasion or alteration of entities or energies that may damage, but also to protect themselves from our attacks, since man has not been characterized throughout history, to protect a lot.

In my case the task is entrusted the management and organization (other than interest) for healing and regeneration of the first layer. Initially assigned area was the Iberian Peninsula, we have phase completed. We have received new instructions to continue the work consists of the following phases:
  • Cover Canary Islands, Azores Islands and the entire marine area between them and the Iberian Peninsula. Completed .
  • When we finish this stage, and thanks to all the work done so far, will undertake the most important: the coding and programming of the network of the 1 st to auric layer to heal and regenerate itself for the rest of the planet. Completed .
  • Finally, we have instructed the regeneration and healing of the 1 st auric layer on the island of Great Britain. Although this has not been transmitted in the messages, it seems that Britain also has a role in the ascension process and very important point energy as energy integration of East and West. Requires a specific job, which will be different in network programming for the entire planet. Running .

The work we're doing from a distance, usually falling in the Sierra de Madrid (farm Lindaraja, Galapagos). You can click here to find out where and when will the next meeting for healing and aural feedback of Gaia: .

For areas already covered You can click .

also people who have never done such work are welcome too, the interest and the provision is sufficient to add its collective energy and the Worker @ s de la Luz will increase their number and hence the ability to act . There is much work to do and the more we can cover more tasks.

I ask that to the extent that you feel, share this information with friends, family, shopping, internet portals and sites related to personal and spiritual growth.

Thanks in advance and you hope.

A hug of Light,
Antonio Rabbits Yebol

Specialized Expedition Bike

Value Workspace

was last December 2, 2009 when we started to work in groups to regenerate and heal the Auric 1st layer of Gaia. We hope to finish the Red pentagonal Iberia vortices December 22 ( ) to publish and will convene the first meeting of regeneration aural and openly began on 29 December 2009.

Today I feel much gratitude to announce that, barring any new statement on the matter, our task in the Healing and Regeneration of the 1 st layer Gaia auric conclude with the work of the last 5 November 2010.

The phased assignments were as follows:
  • Iberian Peninsula. Phase completed after 13 days. Cover
  • Canary Islands, Azores Islands and the entire marine area between them and the Iberian Peninsula. Phase completed.
  • When we finish this stage, and thanks to all the work done so far, will undertake the most important: the coding and programming of the network of the 1 st to auric layer to heal and regenerate itself for the rest of the planet. Phase completed.
  • Finally, we have been entrusted regeneration and healing of the 1 st auric layer on the island of Great Britain. Although this has not been transmitted in the messages, it seems that Britain also has a role in the ascension process and very important point energy as the energy integration of East and West. That is why you may require a specific job, which will be different in network programming for the entire planet. completed Phase
Then you will see a summary of the work already done, with dates and areas covered approximately:

Canary Islands, Iberian Peninsula and Azores Islands
Year 2009

  • 1. 2 / 12 . 25 km (east-west) x 23 km (north-south) = 575km2. Madrid city.
  • 2. 29/12. 228x81aprox = 18,268 km2 south of Madrid, parts of the provinces of Madrid, Toledo, Cuenca and Guadalajara
Year 2010
  • 3. 13 / 1 . 370.5 x 162 = 60 021 km2 north of Madrid, part of the provinces of Zamora, Salamanca, Valladolid, Ávila, Segovia, Burgos, Madrid, Soria, Guadalajara, Cuenca and Zaragoza.
  • 4. 19 / 1 . 184x199 = 36,616 km2, covering part of the provinces of Burgos, Soria, La Rioja, Navarra, Alava, Guipúzcoa yVizcaya .
  • 5. February 3, 326x200 = 65,200 km2 covering part of the provinces of Burgos, Palencia, Valladolid, Leon, Zamora, Orense, Lugo, Asturias, Cantabria and Vizcaya and part of the province of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (P) in Portugal.
  • 6. February 21 ( 130x195) + (210x81) = 42,592 km2 covering part of the provinces of La Coruña, Lugo, Orense, Pontevedra, Douro Litoral (P), Minho (P) and Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro ( P).
  • 7. March 11. (306x202) + (98x153) = 76 985 km2, covering part of southern France, the Pyrenees, Andorra, and the provinces of Guipuzcoa, Navarra, Zaragoza, Huesca, Lerida, Gerona, Barcelona and Tarragona.
  • 8. March 23 : 64,070 km2 covering Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTarragona, Castellon, Valencia, Zaragoza, Teruel and Cuenca.
  • 9. April 15 : 31,300 km2 land comprising the provinces of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Almeria and Albacete
  • 10. April 27 : 56,376 km2 land comprising part or all of the provinces of Cuenca, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Jaen, Granada, y Almeria.
  • 11. 11 de mayo . Embracing part of these provinces of Caceres, Badajoz, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Cordoba, Jaen, Sevilla, Malaga, Granada y Cádiz.
  • 12. 27 de mayo . Covering part of las provincias de Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz y de las Portuguese Aveiro, Viseu, Guarda, Coimbra, Leiria, Castelo Blanco, Lisbon, Santarem, Portoalegre, Setubal, Evora y Beja.
  • 13. 9 de julio . Cubriendo the part totalidad de las provincias of Beja (P), Faro (P), Huelva Sevilla, Cadiz, Canary Islands and the coastal strip between the Canaries and the peninsula. Today therefore we have completed the entire Iberian Peninsula.
  • 14. July 20. Covering the entire maritime area between the Iberian Peninsula, the Azores and the zone 13 cover on 9 July, and the land areas of the Azores and Madeira.

Britain Island
Zone 1. October 8: Peninsula Cornwall, Glastonbury, Avalon, Bristol, London ...
Zone 2. October 15: Wales, Birmingham, Leicester, Cambridge, Norwich ...
Zone 3. October 22: Nottingham, Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford ...
Zone 4. October 29: Northern England, Southern Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh ...
Zone 5. November 5: Central and northern Scotland.

Other works We expect to be carried out and in turn forward it to you.

Thanks, see you soon and a hug for everyone s Luz, Antonio Rabbits

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time Warner Telephone Modem

International Breeding Rules of the Regulations

began the year, ending the series of regulations of the FCI (FCI), the International Breeding Regulations. PREAMBLE

1. All members and contract of the FCI (FCI) should respect the International Breeding Rules of the FCI.

  • This breeding regulations of the FCI is applied directly to all members and contracting means that the breeding FCI.Ello can only be conducted with purebred dogs, with a sound character, a perfect health in terms of functionality and legacy and recorded in a stud book or registration recognized by the FCI.Además, must meet the requirements developed by members and contract partners of the FCI.
  • The only dogs that can be considered "in good health" in terms of inheritance are those that convey the characteristics of the breed standard, its type, temperament, and who have no major inherited defect that could threaten the functional aspect of their progenie.Por Accordingly, members and contract The FCI should ensure that standards include exaggerations of the characteristics that may affect the functionality of the dogs.
  • Dogs with eliminating faults such as an aggressive temperament, congenital deafness, blindness, cleft palate, cleft lip, jaw malformations or defects of the teeth sharp, progressive atrophy of the retina, dogs suffering from epilepsy, cryptorchidism, monorquidia, albinism, severe hip dysplasia (after having been examined) or dogs with bad hair colors can not be used for breeding.
  • In regard to the evaluation of hereditary defects and dysplasia hip or progressive retinal atrophy, members and contractors of the FCI should keep a list of affected dogs, fighting these diseases methodically and continuously record and report progress to the FCI when so requested.
  • The FCI, its members and contractors have the support of the scientific committee for evaluation of defects hereditarios.La committee helps to combat these defects giving consejos.Si scientific committee compiled and published a series of measures to combat these defects, should be taken once obtained the approval of the General Committee FCI.
  • As regards farming, and contracting member countries of the FCI are solely responsible agencies and competentes.Ello includes advice and guidance to farmers, control of breeding and management of the studbook.
  • and contracting member countries of the FCI has to develop its own rules of breeding, based on this document, which are described conseguir.Estos goals objectives must take into account the skills to work themselves each race.
  • People who do business selling dogs and breeders who work with the sole purpose of profit does not can be raised in the member countries or contracting FCI

2. The rights and obligations between the owners of stallions or breeding females are largely determined by national law and regulations established by national associations cynological, their clubs and breed associations, and private agreements. If there are no such provisions will be applied the International Breeding Rules of the FCI.

  • strongly recommended to breeders and stallion owners set out in writing the conditions under which it will be mounted, to make it clear with respect to the obligations financial.
  • The "owner" is the person who legally purchased the dog, who possesses and can demonstrate the possession, certified, a pedigree registration certificate and valid.
  • The "fork" is the stallion owner or the person who received permission from the owner to put the stud available for mating.

3. It is recommended that the owner of the bitch to take her home, the male either personally or with a person of confianza.En if the dog remains at home several days of the holder of the stallion all expenses incurred such as food, shelter, veterinary care and any damage the dog may cause to the hatchery or the address of the holder of the stallion, are borne by the owner of the dog, as well as the cost of return transportation of the dog. LIABILITY

4. In accordance with the laws in force in different countries, the person that ensures the animal shelter and care, is responsible for damage caused by it during this period to third parties.

The stallion owner or holder must take into account the above at the time of hiring a personal liability insurance.


5. If the dog died during their stay in the house of the holder of the stallion, he is obliged, at its expense, to certify the death and its cause by a veterinarian and report as quickly as possible to the owner of the dog, death and its cause.

If the owner of the female would like to see dead, you can not deny this desire.

If the death was caused by the fault of the holder of the stallion, the latter is obliged to pay damages to the owner of the dog.

If you can not be of any alleged fault, the owner of the dog shall reimburse the holder of the stallion all costs associated with the death of the dog.


6. The stud holder is obliged to cover the stud dog previsto.En only if the stallion does not undertake the breeding, the dog can not be brought to another stallion with the consent of the owner of the female. WRONG MOUNTAIN

7. In the event that you accidentally made a mount for another stallion other than that agreed, the holder of the stallion, who has taken the dog in his custody, is required to reimburse the owner of the bitch all costs incurred by this mounting error.

After an unintentional mounted by another stallion than anticipated, is prohibited conduct further mounted with the stud stallion previsto.El holder can not in any way trying to impose financial obligations to the owner of the dog by a mountain wrong. CERTIFICATE


8. The stud holder shall disclose in writing by a certificate of successful execution step of the monta.Con his signature on the document testifies to having been an eyewitness to the monta.Cuando registration services in the stud book of a country in which the litter must be registered require certain special forms, for the owner of the bitch to obtain them correctly fill and submit the signature of the holder of the stallion.
This certificate shall contain the following information:

a) Name and registration number in the stallion's stud book

b) Name and registration number in the Stud Book of the female.

c) Name and address of the owner / holder of the stallion

d) Name and address of the owner of the bitch at the time of ride, eventually, the date of acquisition of the dog.

e) Place and date of mating

f) Signature of the holder of the stallion and the owner of the female

g) Where services registration in the Stud Book required for the registration of the puppies a certified copy or certified extract under the stallion's pedigree, it is the holder of it to provide these documents to the owner of the dog free.


9. It recommends that the stallion owner does not sign the certificate have been jumping up the price fixed in advance by the montaSin however, you are not permitted to hold the dog as collateral.

10. If the stallion does not make the mountain agreed, for whatever reason, or because the dog is not left to mount, prompting the mountain is not actually performed, the stallion owner does retain the right to compensation under Article 2 but can not claim the agreed price for the ride. 11.On

regard to the offspring of the stallion, the owner is not entitled, with respect to the owner of the dog, other than compensation under the contract the mounting.

has no right to be handed over a puppy.

If the two sides have agreed to deliver a puppy as compensation for the ride, this agreement should be formalized in writing and before the monta.En such agreement, must be absolutely precise and respected the following:

a) the time of election puppy by the stallion owner

b) the time of delivery of the puppy to the owner of the stallion

c) the time at which irrevocably the right to prescribe the choice of stallion owner

d) the time from which the law prescribes irrevocably delivery of the puppy to the owner of the stallion

e) the payment of travel expenses

f) special arrangements in case the dog for no more than dead puppies or a single pup vivo, or in case the chosen puppy dies before delivery.


FERTILITY 12. After a ride properly executed, is considered that the stallion has fulfilled its obligations and therefore are entitled to compensation agreed.

This is not a guarantee that the dog has been fecundada.Se leaves freedom to the stallion owner when the dog has not been fertilized, to grant a new free ride in the next heat, or to refund a portion of compensation monta.Este obtained by the agreement must be in writing in the contract, jump, right before monta.El agreed to a free ride is canceled in principle, the death of the stallion, by change of ownership of it or by death the dog.

If it can be shown (by analysis of semen) to the stallion was barren when making mating, must reimburse the owner of the bitch all expenses incurred by the mount. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION

13. The artificial insemination can not be used with animals that have not reproduced naturally antes.Sin However, in certain cases (the male is the one who has not reproduced naturally before or female), the national canine organization may grant exceptions.

If artificial insemination of the dog, the veterinarian who collected the semen of the stallion must attest by a certificate bound to service stud book registry where they register the puppies, the sperm, fresh or frozen from the stallion actually agreed.

Moreover, the certificates referred to in Article 8 (from a to g) must be made available to the owner of the dog by the owner of the stud, for free.

All expenses incurred to collect the sperm are paid by the owner of the dog, as well as the costs of insemination.

veterinarian to proceed with the insemination of the bitch must certify to the registration services in the stud book that the dog has actually been inseminated with sperm from the male provided for mating.

This certificate should to also include the place and date of insemination, the name and registration number in the Book of Origins of the dog, and the name and address of the owner of the dog.

Stallion Owner provides the sperm must be extended to the owner of the dog, in addition to the certificate provided by your veterinarian, an official certificate to jump.


14. Generally, it is considered that the owner of the dog at the time of mating, is the owner of the right camada.El use by breeding grounds of a bitch or a stud may nevertheless be transferred by agreement contract to a third party.

This transfer must in all cases be certified in writing, before mounting proyectada.Tal certified written assignment should be declared in time to service entry in the stud book and eventually the responsible breeding association this raza.Debe annexed to the declaration of the litter.

should be described very accurately in the transfer, the rights and obligations of both contracting parties.

The person who temporarily acquires the right to breed a dog is considered as the owner of it, for reference to these rules, for a period of time from mating to weaning puppies. BASIC PRINCIPLES

15. The pups born to a male and female purebred (and the same race) recognized by the FCI pedigrees in which not aware of any objection or restriction made on the national canine organization, are considered purebred dogs and may, therefore, receive a pedigree recognized by the FCI.

As a general rule, puppies must be sold and transferred to a mandatory privada.Es person issuing the export pedigree for this person.

16. Pedigrees are recognized by the FCI a certificate showing the racial pureaz data about previous generations and not a certificate of quality dog.


17. Unless otherwise stated, it is considered that the new owner following the sale of a bitch, is automatically the breeder of the litter to be born.

18. Any dog \u200b\u200bbred and registered in a member or contractor of the FCI must be permanently identified by a system that can not falsificar.Esta identification must be recorded in the pedigree.

In principle, the puppies will be registered in the Stud Book of the country in which the owner of the dog has his habitual residence and take their case afijo.En can not legally define the place of residence, the owner of the dog has the right to litter born in the country you live in the time of mating and is inscribed in the book of origins of this national canine country. However, the following requirements must be met:
  • The owner must comply with the requirements of dog breeding association in the country where living at the time of mating.
  • The owner must provide a document issued by the competent authorities of the country where he resides certifying that is (without interruption) in this country for a minimum period of 6 months.
If these conditions are fulfilled, the canine association in the country where the owner lives at the time of mating must register the litter born on its territory as a stud book and issue the pedigrees for the puppies indicating the kennel's owner and the address of the residence where he lives.

In case of protest, the landlord must necessarily present a certificate issued by the authority which keeps track of the addresses (residential purposes).

exceptions are tolerated breeders breed dogs living in a country that has no Book of Records recognized by the FCI.

In these circumstances, it leaves them free to the owner of the dog to proceed with the registration of puppies in a stud book recognized by the FCI.

All puppies must be registered litters, this includes all the existing cubs to the date of the registration made.

The pedigrees, which are actually birth certificates should be issued with the sole objective of ensuring RELATIONSHIP ties theory (usually) for a litter, a female can be mounted by a single case macho.En deviations, the national kennel clubs are in the obligation, to cost breeder to see the bond of kinship for a DNA test.

If carried out a DNA test, the veterinarian performing it must verify and certify identification (microchip or tattoo) of the dog as usual for any health assessment protocol, the certificate must carry also the result, all data on the identification of the dog.


19. Farming regulations and contracting member countries of the FCI may be more stringent than those established by the FCI but can not go against them.


20. This regulation replaces the "Custom Breeding International Monaco 1934.En year case of divergent interpretation, the German version is decisive.

* Adopted by the General Assembly of the FCI 11 and June 12, 1979 in Bern (Switzerland).

The parts in bold italics were approved by the General Committee in Zurich, November 2008. The change is effective from 1 April 2009.