Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Cinderella Dresses Tk Max
this recipe is easy is that of Danone is this http://marijose-estasentucasa.blogspot.com/2007/08 / cake-of-chocolate-very-esponjoso.html
2 parts to make him put the chocolate and the other not.
Donate Prom Dresses Indianapolis
150 g of black chocolate.
150 g of milk chocolate.
150 g of white chocolate.
750 ml.
cream 750 ml. 3 packets of milk curd
For the base: A packet of biscuits maria and about 60-70 grams.
butter Prepare the base: Grind the biscuits with the butter chunks. Poured over a cake pan, spreading it well throughout its base, and goes into the oven for a few minutes to put Durito and crisp. Amounts
150 250 Ml.de
gr.de chocolate cream
250 Ml.de milk curd
1 on
They put cream milk to boil, add the chopped chocolate and black when it is dissolved the curd is added ... low heat left by moving non-stop without taking care not to boil. Then spills over the biscuit base.
then does the same with milk chocolate and made it over to black and white as well.
well with each layer of chocolate.
(when a little curd with a fork, gently scratching the base so that the layer is firmly attached siquiente)
layers I did them in order, black chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Concord Liberty Installation
600 Ml. 100 grs.de
milk chocolate powder, for making a cup of curd
1 on 60-70
grs.de sugar, according to taste sweet
1 egg Mix all ingredients with a whisk, when well mixed put the fire, stirring with the rods, in a mold with caramel, add the mixture and let cool, then refrigerate.
(this flan liquid carrying out a few short, I've put in a large pan and it has been very low, the next time I'll put in a smaller pan and feel more beautiful)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Big Green Table Designs
national case
Thursday, October 1, 2009
M Jak Milosc Streszczenia M Jak Milosc Odcinki?
In one of the first post of this blog, published standard English Water Dog, I bring the subject, providing the official standard of the Federation International Cinológica, who then transcribe:
FCI Standard N ° 336 / 09.03.1999 / E
ORIGIN: Spain.
USE: Dog shepherd, hunter and fisherman's helper.
CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 8 Retrievers Hunting, Hunting Dogs lifters, Water Dogs.
Section 3 Water Dogs.
Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The presence is very ancient in the Iberian Peninsula. The same like the old 'Barbet. " Its largest population is in Andalusia in office shepherd dog, dog known for centuries as "Turkish". Its peculiar characteristics, most of your hair is adapted to the variation of humidity and drought of the marshes, as well as its functionality assistant shepherd dog and waterfowl hunters and fishermen.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Rustic dog, well balanced (medium weight), dolichocephalic, sublongilíneas proportions, harmonious shape and attractive appearance, of an athletic and muscular due to the constant functional fitness exercises, straight profile, sight, smell and highly developed ear. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS
- Length of body / size (height at withers) = 9 / 8.
- Depth of chest / size (height at withers) = 4 / 8.
- Length of muzzle / length of skull = 2 / 3.
TEMPERAMENT / BEHAVIOR : Faithful, obedient, cheerful, industrious, brave and balanced, of great capacity for learning by his extraordinary intellect, adapts to all situations and conditions.
HEAD: Strong, carried with elegance.
: Flat to slightly marked occipital crest. Axes of skull and muzzle are parallel.
naso-frontal depression (Stop): Soft and slightly marked.
FACIAL REGION: Muzzle straight in profile.
Nose: Nostrils well defined. Nose is the same color or stronger than the darker shade layer.
Lips:; labial corners well defined.
Teeth: Well formed, white, well developed canines.
Eyes: Slightly oblique, very expressive eyes, iris hazel to brown, a shade is desirable that the layer is consistent with, conjunctiva of the eye is not apparent.
Ears: medium height, triangular and falls.
NECK: Short and muscular, without dewlap. Well into the shoulders.
BODY: Robust.
Topline: Straight.
Withers: Hardly pronounced.
Back: Straight and strong.
Croup: Smoothly angle.
Chest: Broad and deep. Ribs well sprung, broad chest circumference indicating considerable respiratory capacity.
Underline: Belly slightly tucked up. COLA
: Insert media. The tail should be amputated from the second to the fourth vertebra. There brachyuran specimens. TIPS
LIMBS: Strong and vertical.
Shoulders: Well muscled and oblique.
arm: Strong.
Elbows: Close to the chest and parallel.
Forearm: Straight and strong. Carpus and metacarpus
: Straight. Rather short.
Front feet: Rounded, toes tight, nails of different tones, pads consistent.
Hindquarters: Perfectly vertical with not too pronounced angulations and muscles capable of impulsion body and jumps race easy and elegant.
Thigh: Long and muscular.
thigh: Well developed.
Hock: Well let down.
Hock: Short, lean and perpendicular to the ground.
Feet: With the same features as the above.
MOVEMENT: The preferred gait is the trot. SKIN
: Flexible, thin and well adhered to the body. Can be pigmented brown or black, or without pigment, according to the color of the coat, like the mucous membranes.
COAT HAIR: Always curly and of a woolly. Curly when short, can form cords when long. Sheared copies will be accepted and must be complete and even, under no circumstances be permitted sheared 'aesthetic. "
The recommended maximum length for shows is 12 cm (15 cm extending the curl) and the minimum is 3 cm in order to appreciate the quality of the curls.
The puppies are always born with curly hair.
- Unicolors: White, black and brown in their different shades.
- Bicolor: white and black or white and brown in their different shades.
The tricolor, black and tan and chestnut and tan are not allowed.
Withers: Males: 44 - 50 cm
Females: 40 - 46 cm
In both sexes a maximal variation of 2 cm is accepted by both the dog this general proportions compatible with its height at the withers.
Weight: Males: 18 to 22 kg
Females: 14 to 18 kg
FAULTS Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which is considered the degree of deviation from the standard and its impact on health and welfare of the dog. FAULTS
- dorso-lumbar line
- manifestly saddle.
- Limbs incorrect. Belly
- pendant or excessively collected.
- Aggressive or fearful.
- higher or lower prognathism.
- Presence of dewclaws.
- straight or wavy hair.
- Albinism.
- Spotty or flecked coat, black and tan or chestnut and tan.
- unbalanced character.
Any dog \u200b\u200bclearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
NB: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.