
COOKIES ARM coffee-flavored cookies
18/20 flaky round
1 cup milk 1 cup white rum
150g. of sugar whipped cream 1 tablespoon sugar
for coverage:
150g butter 150g.
Kreme 2 cuchaditas
soluble coffee in a bowl you put the milk, rum and sugar, mix well and heat in microwave on high power 1 minute, stir and let cool.
dip cookies in milk with rum (or whatever you please put), introduce a time and place cream in foil, on top of each other, when all have been superimposed on the paper wrap and let stand 2 hours for hablanden. Prepare
BE COVERED in 1 cup warm 1 tablespoon of water in the microwave on high 20 seconds, she dissolved in coffee, in a large bowl beat butter, until you get a creamy consistency, add the sugar and coffee and stir until creamy and smooth fine, cover the roll of biscuits with cream, cool sevir well and sliced \u200b\u200bhis arm.
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