Next Saturday, July 24, 2010 , will be the National Competition IV Canine Carrión de los Céspedes (Sevilla), valid for the Championship in Spain.
The venue will be the Polideportivo Municipal Carrion of Céspedes, organized by the Western Andalusian Dog Society and sponsored by the local council.
The judges provided will be:
D. Llanos Felipe Palacios for Groups (I - IV - V).
D. Baldomero Lopez Fernández: for the Group (II).
D. Pedro Ortuño Estero for Groups (III - VI - VII - Retrievers)
D. Juan Carlos Pineda Dominguez for Groups (Group VIII-IX-X)
The veterinary : will be traveling.
admitted The Classes will be:
PUPPY CLASS (CC): For those individuals who have more than less than FIVE NINE MONTHS and the date of opening of the competition.
YOUTH CLASS (CJ): For those individuals who have more than nine months and under eighteen at the date of opening of the competition.
OPEN CLASS (CA): For dogs over the age of fifteen months from the date of opening of the competition. Can register those who are Champions.
COUPLES CLASS (CP): For male and female of the same breed and variety, and the same owner, presented by one person. To participate in this class both copies must be listed individually on any of the above.
CLASS OF BREEDING IN SPAIN (CCE): Groups of three or more copies of the same breed and variety, regardless of sex, from the same breeder, whether or not owned at the time of exposure. To compete in this class, the units that make up the group must be listed individually on any of the above classes (except Class Couples).
Trophies will be awarded :
A Group Winners in each class (Cat. A)
Best Couple Contest (Cat. B)
Best Breeder Contest (Cat. B)
Best Local Dog (Cat. B), First and Second Best Rated copy
English Race (Cat. C and B), First and second classifier.
Best Puppy (Cat. C, B and A), First, Second and Third classified
Best Young (Cat. C, B and A), First, Second and third places. Best presenter
youth (Cat. A) First, second and third places
With Special Awards :
Absolute Best Issue contest for Best Young
At Best Puppy contest
The price of entries:
1st dog , 8 € 10 €
2 nd dog ; ; 6 € 8 €
3º y siguientes 4 € 6 €
Pareja € 3 € 5
Breeder FREE FREE 1st puppy
; € 5 € 6
2 º puppy next 3 € € 4