Saturday, April 24, 2010

Media Receiver Pdp-r03e

VIII National Competition Canino Jimena de la Frontera

The next Sunday, May 9, 2010, in the Recinto Ferial de Jimenez de la Frontera (Cádiz), is hosting the VIII National Dog, valid for the Championship Andalusia, which bears the name of the town.

Organized by the Canine Society of Western Andalusia, with the Royal Canine Society of Spain and sponsored by the City of Jimena de la Frontera, admitted:

Open class (CA): For individuals older than fifteen months from the date of opening of the competition. Can register those who are champions.

young Class (CJ): For copies of more than nine months and under eighteen at the date of opening of the competition.

Class pups (CC): For those individuals who have more than five months and less than nine, at the opening of the competition.

class pairs (CP): For male and female of the same breed and variety, and the same owner, presented by one person. Both copies must be individually iunscritos any of the above.

breeding in Spain (CEE): For a group of three or more copies of the same breed and variety, regardless of sex, from the same breeder, whether or not your property in the time of the Exposition .. Also must be listed individually on any of the previous class except class couples.

Judges are

D. Llano Felipe Palacio
D. Pedro Ortuño Estero
D. Juan Carlos Pineda Dominguez

veterinary inspection will be traveling.

The inscriptions will be in the exhibition of Jimena de la Frontera on the day of the contest, starting at 8:30 am

Prices of inscriptions ranging from 7 to 4 euros, being free batch of breeding and English breeds.

Top of the contest at 11 am.