FCI dog shows
The FCI (FCI) is the World Canine Organisation, and is the agency responsible to govern and promote cynology (or canofilia) throughout the world including rules governing the breeding of dogs and has established a regulation for dog shows, which I transcribe below:
Approved in January 2008, provides for a transitional period of two years (until December 31, 2009) to allow members and contract partners to adapt their national regulations. ---
This comprehensive regulation Regulation of CRF, only in regard to dog shows where you can grant "Certificates of Fitness International Beauty Championship of the FCI" (Prize for the title "International Champion of Beauty" - CACIB).
For these events, the FCI charges a fee, whose amount is determined by the General Assembly of the FCI. This fee for each dog to appear in the catalog, must be paid to receive catalogs and FCI CACIB-ResCACIB lists the exposure in question. Must be paid even if not granted any award.
FCI members, both federal as partners, should carry out at least a year CACIB show.
national canine organizations are the only responsible dog shows which ones can compete for the CACIB.
is up to the FCI General Secretariat to prepare and publish the schedule of exhibitions CACIB.
exposures that have been approved by the FCI should be shown and designated as follows: International Dog Show CACIB with attribution of the FCI. "
In the brochure for this exhibition, you must indicate clearly the FCI logo, along with the following expression: "FCI (FCI)."
applications to grant the CACIB in international exhibitions should be sent to the FCI General Secretariat not later than twelve months before the show, or a notice of no more than four calendar years of exposure.
can only give a CACIB by each sex, breed and variety (in the nomenclature of dog breeds by the FCI), on the same day and at the same place.
can not take any CACIB show, the day is done worldwide exposure or section, on the same continent.
If a statement must be canceled, the organizer must partially reimburse registration fees that were paid.
The FCI will authorize exhibitions to be held the same day, provided that these events are carried out with a minimum air distance of 300 km.
If the distance is less than 300 km, can give the organizer autorizacióncondición you submit your request was first given its consent to the second applicant. In this case, we recommend the appropriate division of FCI groups (according to the nomenclature of races of the FCI), taking into account the locations and days of exposure.
CACIB shows in a race should be judged on one day, and all races in the same group of FCI should also be tried in a single day. However, only in cases where it is necessary for organizational reasons, it is possible to divide the trial of the races in the same group in two days.
is the responsibility of Executive Director of the FCI, the decision to authorize the execution of the CACIB in international exhibitions.
The dog welfare should be the priority in any dog \u200b\u200bshow.
Organizers should ensure that the only races that can be submitted are those for which the FCI has accepted their breed standards (either permanently or temporarily) and are registered in the studbook or attached to such registration (initial registration) of a FCI member country or a country not a member of the FCI, origins but whose book is, however, recognized by the FCI.Las races that are not recognized by the FCI (or final or interim) may also be submitted, but in this case, these races should be recognized at national and owners of dogs belonging to these breeds must have a pedigree issued by a national organization member or contratante.Además, these races must be included in a section specific catalog ("breeds not recognized by the FCI"). The FCI charged the usual arrancel expuesto.Estas per dog breeds are not eligible for CACIB, to various degrees of CRF and compete for "Best Group '.
At all shows where it is attributed to the FCI CACIB, it is absolutely mandatory to divide into groups according to the nomenclature of races of the FCI. In case of breach of this standard, the FCI reserves the right to consent or not to be attributed the CACIB in future exhibitions.
groups are:
Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer Dog - Dog Type Molosoides and Swiss Mountain and Cattle
Group 3: Terriers
Group 4: Dachshunds
Group 5: Spitz and Primitive Type
Group 6: Hounds , Dog Breeds Trail and
Group 7: Pointing Dogs
Group 8: Retrievers Hunting, Hunting Dogs and Dog Lifts Water
Group 9: Companion
Group 10: Sighthounds
In all exposures to low enrollment, the organizers are allowed to be tried together different groups in the main ring to the powers of the 'best Group. " However, this does not apply to the world exhibitions and section.
At all shows, plus the name of the breed in the prevailing language of the host country, schedule and catalog should also include the country of origin of the breed and be written in one of the four working languages FCI.
In the catalog, you can only publish the titles of international and national champions that have been certified as official titles made in global exhibitions or section of the FCI (world winner, winner of the section ... global winner - junior class, winner section - junior class).
Sick dogs (temporarily ill or suffering from a contagious disease) or lame, or those that exhibit testicular atrophy and visible nursing bitches or accompanied by her cubs, should be excluded from any females in heat exposure can canina.Las take part in exhibitions unless the regulations of the organizing committee as prohiban.Los deaf and blind dogs can not be entered in an exhibition CACIB.En If an owner does not observe this rule and that the judge discovered that the dog is blind or deaf, have to exclude the animal from the ring.
Dogs that are not listed in the catalog can not be judged, not might have been problems for which the organizing committee is responsible for (problems in the process of printing the catalog, etc..) provided that the registration forms have been sent to the organizers before the closing date and that the amounts of entries appear on the bank documents the organizing committee.
dogs with their tails or ears cut must be admitted, according to legal regulations of their countries of origin and those of the country which holds the exposición.El judging these dogs, have the tail and cropped ears or not, must be accomplished without any discrimination and only according to breed standard valid.
You may not treat the mantle, the skin or nose with anything that can change its structure, color or prohibited forma.Está fix the dog in the pavilion of the exhibition using material.Sólo substances or allow the use of comb and brush. Furthermore, it is also forbidden to leave the dog tied on the table of settlement longer than required by the preparation of the animal.
allowed tattoos both microchips (ISO standard). If the country concerned, there is no scanner to read the microchip, the exhibitor must bring your own.
The organizing committee reserves the right to deny participation of any exhibitor in the exhibition.
not allowed to register a dog in two classes and no registrations accepted after the date of cierre.Las skills or additional exposures, when they are commonly held in the country in which the exhibition has CACIB Instead, they are allowed within the program of activities on the same site, but outside the official competition. In
CACIB shows sanctioned by the FCI, only authorized the following classes: a.
Classes in which it can grant CACIB:
* Business class (15 to 24 months required)
* Open class (a 15 months, required)
* Class work (from 15 months required)
* Class Champions (from 15 months required)
Working Class
To enter a dog in working class, the registration form must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate (mandatory) of the FCI, which established that the dog has passed the test and the details of it (this information must be provided by the canine organization the country in which the owner of the dog owner or have permanent residence). The only breeds eligible for the working class are those listed as working breeds the nomenclature of the IGF, taking into account the exemptions granted to certain countries for certain races. Champion Class
To enter a dog in the champion class, it is essential that one of the following titles have been confirmed by the official closing day for registration. You must enclose a copy of the title registration form.
International Champion FCI
National Champion (the title should have been achieved with a minimum of two awards in one member country of the FCI) can be recognized
Champion titles nacionald countries that are not FCI members
Once printed catalog is forbidden to transfer a dog from one class to another unless the failure is due to a printing error.
b. Classes they can not be awarded the CACIB
* Class Infants (up to 6 months, optional)
* Puppy Class (6 to 9 months, optional)
* Junior Class (9 to 18 months, compulsory )
* Veteran Class (from 8 years compulsory)
To determine the age, taking into consideration the time of day when the dog is exposed.
c. Optional classes / competitions
To be enrolled in these classes / competitions, the dog must also compete, individually, in one of the required classes.
Class / Contest pairs: one male and one female of the same breed and same variety, belonging to the same owner.
Class / Competition Players: minimum three and maximum of five copies of the same breed and variety regardless of sex, bred by the same person (same kennel) while the person is not the owner.
Class / Competition Progeny: a male or a female accompanied by a minimum of three and maximum five of his progeny (first generation, ie son or daughter).
These optional classes / competitions will take place, preferably in the rings where breeds are judged.
's ratings by the judges must comply with the following definitions: EXCELLENT
- can only be attributed to a dog very close to the ideal of the breed standard, which is presented in excellent condition, displays a temperament harmonious, balanced, which is of high class and has excellent posture. Its superior characteristics in relation to race let minor imperfections can be ignored. However, you must have the characteristics typical of their sex.
- can only be attributed to a dog which possesses the typical characteristics of his race, that is balanced in its proportions and is in proper condition. Can tolerate a few minor faults, but none of a morphological nature. This award can only be awarded to a dog that shows class. GOOD
- is attributed to a dog that has the features of its breed however showing faults provided these are not concealed. ENOUGH
- must be given to a dog which corresponds adequately to its breed, without possessing the generally accepted characteristics or whose physical condition leaves something to be desired. DISQUALIFIED
- must be given to a dog that does not match the type required by the standard, which shows a behavior clearly different from the standard or have aggressive behavior that has testicular abnormalities, having maxillary dental defects or anomalies that imperfection of color display and / or fur or clearly shows signs of albinism. This rating is also awarded to dogs that only correspond to a single feature of the race, so that their health is threatened. Must be awarded to dogs that show eliminating faults in relation to the breed standard.
dogs who can not be one of the above qualifications will be withdrawn from the ring with:
CAN NOT BE JUDGED - this assessment is attributed to cualquierperro not move, constantly jump on your phone or try desalting the ring, making it impossible to assess the displacement and elmovimiento, or avoids constantly examine the judge and the bite haceimposible Ylos to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles, or can be observed traces of operations or treatments that seem made with the intent to deceive the. The same applies if the judge has ample reason to suspect operations that were intended to correct the original condition or feature (eg, eyelid, ear, tail). The reason why the dog was NOT BE JUDGED has to be stated in the coroner's report.
The top four dogs in each class are placed provided they have received at least the qualification "very good".
CACIB: Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté of the FCI
The only dogs that can be considered for the CACIB are those who have been awarded a ' 1st. Excellent. " You can only grant a CACIB if the dog in question as being of superior quality. The CACIB is not automatically and necessarily the "1st. Excellent. "
Reserve is given the second best dog CACIB which has been rated "Excellent". However, it is not compulsory to award the Reserve CACIB.
The judge awards CACIB and Reserve CACIB on the quality of the dogs, without checking if they meet the age requirements and / or enrollment in studbook recognized by the FCI.
The CAC (Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat) is a national award which granted depends on the national canine organizations. It is for these organizations to decide on what kinds and what dogs can grant this certificado.El fact win the CCC for the title of National Champion.
For each sex and race, it corresponds to a single judge to grant all awards, CACIB included. This judge will be appointed in advance.
The dog and the dog proposed for the CACIB, the best young male and young female best they have achieved the rating '1roExcelente "in the Junior class, Best veteran, male and female, who have received the qualification" 1st Excellent "in the Veteran class compete for the title of Best of Race.
breed dogs that are not recognized on a provisional final but not eligible for the CACIB but can compete for Best of Breed, Best in Group and Best Dog in Show. Competitions
in the ring of honor:
Awards for Best Group, Best in Show, Group of Players, Progeny Group, Couples, Best Veteran, Best Junior, Best Puppy, Best Baby and Junior Handling must be judged by a single judge, appointed in advance.
The only judges who may officiate these contests are those that have been authorized to do so by their national canine organizations, which issued a written permit appropriate.
CACIB Judges will be appointed to conduct the proposed CACIB. The final approval is up to the FCI.
It is up to the Secretariat of the FCI verify that dogs offered comply with the requirements for the approval of the CACIB.
cards delivered to exhibitors in the exhibition represent proof that the dog in question has been proposed for the CACIB. Must carry the following phrase: "subject to approval by the FCI."
The general secretariat should ensure that FCI CACIB have been properly granted. By three months after exposure, organizers must submit two copies of the catalog and lists proposed for the CACIB Dog and CACIB Reserve to the FCI.
These lists should include the following information:
Catalogue number, name of dog, a book of origin and registration number in the book of origin, sex, breed and variety, date of birth, name of owner, name of judge and class that was awarded the CACIB.
The races will be listed under the name used in your country of origin, followed by the name commonly used in the country to host the exhibition. The
males and females should be entered separately. The numbering should start with number one and continued without interrupción.Dentro of the same race, you can not break the numbering.
If a dog is not included in the list of CACIB (for example, by default of the organizers), the card proposal may be accepted provided that no dog of the same breed and same sex is already on the list.
Only the presiding judge is authorized to make decisions about the allocation of CACIB, classification and qualification. In this sense, is obliged to do so without any outside help and / or interference from person whatsoever.
The judging of the dogs can only be done by judges authorized by their national organizations to judge the respective breeds. During the trial, are required to estrictamentede single judge in accordance with the FCI breed standard in effect at the time of exposure.
As regards the prosecution of powers race (s) and / or end in the ring of honor, a judge may not officiate in another country after having been authorized in writing by the national canine organization their country of residence, prior to the sample.
Judges from countries not members of the FCI can only judge at exhibitions the FCI if the national organization to which they belong is linked to the FCI through a contractual arrangement or agreement between gentlemen. These judges may judge FCI shows, as long as their names are included in the official list of national canine organization.
also applies:
a) All judges from countries not members of the FCI, when invited to judge at an exhibition of the FCI, must complete a standardized questionnaire issued by the FCI. Should be sent to them in due time, and returned signed for approval.
b) It is up to the national organization in which a judge a country that is not a member of the FCI is committed to try to verify the validity of the information contained in the questionnaire.
c) Under all circumstances, all judges, including those judges from countries not members of the FCI, should follow the breed standards FCI when judging in shows that have been approved by the FCI. Standards for the breeds FCI judges judge non-member countries of the FCI, they must be sent by the organization that invited plenty of time before the event.
When officiate at FCI shows, judges from countries not members of the FCI or associate member countries can only judge the breeds recognized by the national canine organization.
e) Judges from countries not members of the FCI should be fully informed in advance and in detail, about the exhibition rules of the FCI, as well as on other regulations and important procedural issues. It is the responsibility of the national organization where exposure is done, provide this information in advance, these judges.
organizing committees must know the rules of judges FCI shows and should be respected.
The FCI can not be considered responsible for any incident occurring within Inernacional exposure.
A liability insurance may be hired by the organizers.
a) The organizers will send a written request to the judge. The judge is obliged to inform in writing to the organizers to accept or reject the invitation. Should always comply with their obligations to act as judge, unless you can not for one important reason.
b) If due to a major reason, a judge can not fulfill their obligations, the organizer of the exhibition should be immediately informed by phone, fax, email or telegram. The cancellation must be confirmed by letter.
c) Similarly, organizers are required to maintain their invitations. Cancellation is allowed only in cases of force majeure or in case of mutual agreement with the judge.
d) If the organizers are forced to cancel the shows, are required to reimburse judges for expenses that have already been made. If for any reason other than force majeure, a judge can not fulfill their obligations to officiate as a judge is obliged to pay the extra costs and may have caused.
e) are encouraged to recruit judges travel insurance (cancellation of flight accidents etc.) when invited to judge overseas.
f) If a judge is invited to judge a race only nationally recognized, there must be received in time for both the authorization under the rules of judges of exhibitions of his own OCN, as the standard by the organizer.
g) In all international exhibitions of the FCI, 2 / 3 at least the guest judges must be judges of the FCI (race-group-all races) approved by a member of the FCI OCN
h) Justices of the CRF group are members federated OCN FCI is authorized to judge, without permission of the NCB, all races / the group (s) for what (s) which (is) are licensed as well as for Best of Group (the) group (s) for which (s) is (are) licensed. Can judge the "Best of Show" (BIS) in international exhibitions on the condition that the NCB has invited you agree, that is qualified as a judge of the FCI group for at least two groups FCI and that its NCB has authorized it to judge this type of competition.
i) international judges for all breeds of FCI are OCN federated members of the FCI are allowed to judge, without permission of the NCB, any race and any competition, including Best of Show and Best Group.
A judge must be informed in advance about the breeds and many dogs that are assigned to judge as well as their tasks in the main ring. It is the responsibility of the organizer of the exhibition is to provide this information to the judge, in advance and in writing.
A judge should not judge more than about 20 dogs per hour and up to 80 dogs per day if the organizer will require a separate report for each perro.No should judge more than 150 dogs per day if no report is required individual.Estas journals figures may be up or down last convention between the judge and organizadores.Si the number of dogs per judge is 80 (with report) or 150 or more (unreported), the judge must be informed and communicate their agreement.
rights of judges invited to international exhibitions FCI outside their country of residence are:
a) The organization of the exhibition or the hosting club must ensure judge, pursuant to an agreement, from the moment you arrive to the country in which he will judge at the time of his departure, typically, this includes the day before and the day after the exhibition at the officiating judge.
b) The judge (during his stay as a judge) should be housed in a suitable location, your stay may include the night before and the night after the event, according to its flight plan.
c) Judges are free to make private arrangements with organizations of exposure, which may differ from those stipulated in the "Annex to the Regulation of Exhibitions and Judges of the FCI" . However, when no such agreements have been made personal, should expect to receive the benefits granted by this Annex.
d) It is desirable that the financial arrangements be put in writing in a contract or convention between the judge and organizer of the contract exposición.Este must be respected by both parties.
A judge is prohibited from traveling to a statement (in which judges) with exhibitors who will be exhibiting or driving under él.Le is forbidden to socialize with any exhibitor or remain at home before the show, if required to judge his / s dog / s.
Organizers are prohibited from ordering a person who exhibits a dog under a judge to ensure this before juzgamiento.Por other hand, a judge may place a person at home if you are scheduled to judge his / s / dog s.
A judge may not consult the catalog of the show before or during their juzgamiento.Por Consequently, the organizing committee can not send the catalog by the end of exposure.
miniature breeds and some small breeds need to be examined on a table provided by the organizers.
The judge is responsible for ring.En ring as the commissioner, is responsible for organización.Sin problems, however, is not decided in any activity without the consent of the judge.
To facilitate the organization in the ring, a ring clerk and / or assistant should be available juez.Estos of attendees and the ring commissioner must speak one of the working languages \u200b\u200bof the FCI, as determined by the judge.
Commissioners and / or ring attendants must be provided by the organizing committee.
An assistant must have a good knowledge of the rules of the FCI show rules as well as exposure of the country where the exhibition takes place.
A secretary must provide the following services to the judge:
- bring the dogs for classes;
- check for missing dogs in each class.
- notifying the court of any change in phone or irregular income;
-write the report -When required-under the dictation of a judge in the language of your choice (as mentioned above);
- organize all paperwork necessary work and the distribution of prizes;
- follow all the instructions of the judge .
- A judge can not smoke in the ring.
- A judge can not consume alcoholic beverages in the ring.
- A judge can not use a cell phone to ring when judging.
- A judge can not enter or drive a dog in an exhibition which serves as a judge
- A partner, a member of their immediate family or anyone living with him at home, you may (if the dog is not registered under the name of the judge) to enter and guide any dog \u200b\u200bbelonging to a race or races that the judge does not judge on that day exposure.
- Dogs guide the judge in a CACIB show in which he is not acting as a judge, must be raised by him or co-owned with a partner, a member of his immediate family or any person she lives in your home.
- A judge can not judge any dog \u200b\u200bthat has been owned, joint ownership, or which is packed, kept or sold by him within six months prior to exposure in which is officiating. The same applies to dogs belonging to a partner, a member of your immediate family or anyone living with him in his home.
Any decision made by a judge in relation to the qualifications, awards and rankings is final.
However, complaints against the organization of the exhibition and the procedures applied for granting qualifications, awards and classifications are acceptable and should be made immediately in writing and be accompanied by a cash deposit as collateral. If you find that the complaint was unjustified, this warranty is delivered to the organizer of the exhibition.
Violations of these regulations are punishable by disciplinary measures. The FCI can prevent the host in question, granting the CACIB in international exhibitions for one or more years.
This decision depends on the FCI General Committee, having made the oral or written release of the organizations concerned. Any appeal against the penalty imposed by the FCI General Committee shall be decided ultimately by the General Assembly of the FCI.
All members and contract partners of the FCI are required, in accordance with their national law to publish a list of all dogs, exhibitors and / or guidelines to ban exposed / exposed.
All organizers must observe this rule.
Each organizer of an exhibition CACIB must observe the rules and laws of the country where the event takes place. Before
specific complaints, the FCI General Committee may intervene and take a final decision (which may extend to the cancellation of an awarded CACIB) in case of noncompliance with these regulations by exhibitors of the judges of the FCI and / or the organizers of international exhibitions FCI.Estas decisions should serve to maintain the credibility of the international exhibitions of the FCI and ensure these rules are observed.